Jewish Representation Grows on Community Board 9 as Additional Residents Appointed


The list of new appointments to Crown Heights’s Community Board 9 has been released, and the results are a great boon for the Jewish community.

The new list of community residents sitting on the coveted board show nine Jewish members, including Yosef Hershkop, a Crown Heights Healthcare Executive and noted activist. Hershkop and others join previous Jewish board members including Rabbi Yaacov Behrman and Rabbi Yanky Pierson.

Other Jewish representatives on Community Board 9 include Max Coen, Chavi Cohen, Yisroel Lehrer, Zlati Mochkin, Binyomin Rosenberger, and Shmuel Zfatman.

While the community board has influence only on select local matters, the jump from three to nine Jewish representatives will most definitely be felt. Community Board influence include direction on local zoning and building permits, as well as having the ear of other elected politicians.

Other community boards have also seen a rise in Jewish representation, with three Lubavitchers appointed to Community Board 17 which covers East Flatbush. Surprisingly, not a single Jewish representative sits on Community Board 8 which covers the area of Crown Heights North of Eastern Parkway, despite having a significant Jewish presence.

Edits: A previous version of this article erroneously stated that their were two previous Jewish representatives on Community Board 9. The article has been updated to the accurate three.

One Comment

  • Jay

    Can the new CB 9 & CB 17 members provide contact email addresses, or create email addresses for the public to contact them? Can the new members join the Housing Committees and Land Use Committees to help the Jewish community have a say in Vital Brooklyn projects effecting Clarkson Ave & E Flatbush Vicinity?