Crown Heights History: The Corner of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue 1940 VS Today
This series on Crown Heights History has been compiled by Instagram account @crownheightshistory, a born and raised Crown Heightser, and shows some of the ongoing research taking place.
The corner of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue 1940 vs today.
When the Chabad Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway purchased the two adjacent buildings in the 1960s, they expanded the main synagogue until Kingston Ave. This expansion took out the five street level stores.

According to local residents, the Lubavitcher Rebbe opposed that, due to the fact that stores bring foot traffic; which is healthier for the neighborhood.
Another thing to note is that Kingston Ave was still a two way street. That was changed In the early 1960s vโdal.
Even Earlier
And years earlier, before this 4 story building was built, there was a white house at this location.