Good News from Kingston Ave

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — There is some exciting news about our own Kingston Ave, two new shops have opened in recent weeks and many shops have upgraded their store fronts, also the Department of Transportation has done some much needed repair work on Kingston Ave.

More in the Extended Article!

Perl Miles of community board #9 has contacted Sholom B. Goldstein, president of the Kingston Avenue Merchants Association, and announced that, after many years of requests, the associations requests has been finally included in the 2009 budget funds for the reconstruction and beautification of Kingston Ave.

Professional surveying of the avenue has been completed and plans are being drawn up for the beautification of Kingston Ave.

We would like to thank you all for shopping on Kingston Ave.

We wish all our guests arriving in Crown Heights for Tishrei 5768, and our community plus all of Klal Yisroel a Kesivoh Vachasimoh Tovah, Gezunt and parnassa B’harchava and Much Nachas, Peace and Tranquility for all of our Brothers and Sisters around the World and especially in Eretz Yisroel, Einei Hashem Elokechu bo M’Reishis Hashono ad Achris Hashono.

May the Extra random acts of our kindness and goodness tilt the world to merit and bring Moshiach NOW! A year of Geula Amen.


  • A breath of fresh air!!!

    1) Special thanks to Sholom B Goldstein for making this take place.

    2) What do you think can be done to make kingston ave look nicer? Maybe a code of rules that property owners have to keep by?

  • yanki

    maybe someone should put out a monthly flyer with honest merchant ratings from all over crown heights maybe it will give a little push to the owners that are waiting for us to enter – i am no pessamistic person, but i was upset shopping in crown height while visitng, with the customer service in full need of improvement (and that goes to many stores like …..). it hurts me to say this but i wish i could shop in crown heights without the feeling of ‘get out of my store, we don’t have it’. PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS, AND THE FLOW OF PEOPLE IN THE STORES OF CROWN HEIGHTS! you can learn some *decent* service from ………

  • out of towner

    maybe if the shop keepers make their prices the same as in boro park, people will be more inclided to shop in the shechuna

  • real nice but...

    how about now working on the service you give to your costumers?? or price??

  • mother annoyed at kingston

    i am very displeased with my shopping experience today on kingston. there is nobody to help you when u enter stores. people are nice once they turn to help you but you have to wait forever. the prices are ridiculous. either you can buy garbage quality for prices that are high but still managable, or you can buy some half normal stuff for crazy prices. 80 dollars for a tiny infant outfit for yom tov. an infant that may wear it maybe 3 times!!!! i am so discouraged. im glad i have the ability to go to malls and go to bloomingdales, gap, gymboree and other such stores in hope to find great quality clothes for great prices. its a shame because crown heights can hold the market for special items that are hard to find such as clothes for yom tov, skirts for women, etc.yet they blew it for me with their skyrocket prices, quality and service. i know they have to make money but why can’t they find decent merchandise for normal prices. i was in a woman’s clothing store a few years ago and saw a sweater i have from macys(same company) i figured i would buy it in a different color. they were charging 75 dollars for it. i bought the same exact sweater for 30 a few weeks before. im not sure how average people afford to shop here. they HAVE to be in credit card debt between crazy rent or mortgages, car leases or buys, and tuition. don’t forget about food too. and just for clothes i am NOT going into debt. i just dont know how people live without being in debt or doing some risky business. i hope the new stores that open will not follow in these distgusting methods where merchandise is old, unfashionable, sometimes returned and charge triple the price than anywhere else.

  • Ressident in CH

    Thank G-d
    I complaind to 311 2 years ago and nothing was done.
    1 1/2 mnths ago i desided to complain againe and they said it can take up to 3 months.
    Boruch Hashem you can walk on the streets and not trip on the train tracks

  • Keep are sidewalks clean

    does this include recementing the dirty sidewalks? Will they be hosed down everyday and swept?

  • CHR

    thanks to Rabbi Goldstien and the MANY other people who worked on making change on the ave.