City Tree Planting Comes To Crown Heights
by CrownHeights.info
New York City is trying to grow more roots, and they have been planted trees in Crown Heights this past few weeks.
As part of Mayor Adams initiative to plant more trees throughout Brooklyn and the five Boroughs, city employees arrived in Crown Heights these past few weeks armed with dozens of trees which have been planted along roadways and sidewalks.
From Lincoln Place to the southern reaches of Troy Ave in Crown Heights, the trees are transforming the city. Some say for good, others say for not so good.
Supporters of the tree planting initiative tout the indisputable health benefit that the trees provide in the otherwise concrete jungle of New York City, freshening the city air and cleaning pollution blamed for many reparatory illnesses. Beauty is also a factor, providing a natural island in this otherwise man made city.
According to the NYC Parks Authority which oversees the planting of the trees, “new street trees are planted at eligible locations requested by the public and at locations determined by NYC Parks. All plantings are within the City-owned public right-of-way.”
Detractors say that the trees will just cause a structural headache, cracking sidewalks with their roots and compromising the city’s already shaky underground pipes, sewers, and foundations.
“Why are we planting trees on a block without consulting its residents,” one irate Crown Heights resident wrote. “We don’t want it. You are destroying our sidewalks, and then we get tickets when they get ruined and aren’t safe. We can also have legal issues with law suits.”
The tree planting program dates back to the early 2000’s, when a promise of 1 Million trees throughout New York City was made. The promise was fulfilled in 2015, but the drive to plant has continued since.
Leaves Leaves Leaves!!! Remember trees make leaves that let the city ticket home owners that don’t clean, just an other way city makes $$$$ from hard working people ?
Mom in ch
Besides the fact that they increase allergies in those allergic to them – they also make it a problem to put a sukkah in your front yard- and we aren’t forgetting the danger of high winds and trees,
Living, as we do, in a city that is blessed with tree-lined streets, we can only assure residents of Crown Heights that trees not only add to the beauty of one’s surroundings, but make for both healthy bodies and healthy minds
Sure one has to sweep the leaves, but so does everyone living in a city blessed with trees. We too have to care the nature strips outside our houses which belong to the city, not to us. Why not better focus on the glorious and ever-changing shapes and colours of the leaves from spring to summer to fall to winter and then spring again.
It is of course for the residents of your streets and neighborhoods to decide what you want in your immediate vicinity. We just ask that you make your decisions after considering not only the negatives, but the great advantages too.
Nice idea, but will the sidewalks be wide enough for a woman with a stroller to pass a whizzing E-bIke or random crazy person who you can’t bump into?