Enhance and Deepen Your Relationship With 3-Part Series For Men

Following the success of the last ‘Taharas Hamishpcha review’ series, Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’ has been receiving repeated requests for an additional series for men on Sholom Bayis.

Finally, we are excited to announce an upcoming 3-part series promising to enhance and deepen the relationships in our homes with our children, families and spouse.

The series will be given by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz a noted Magid Shiur and director of Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’

The shiurim will take place on three consecutive Thursdays 8:00pm In-person: at ‘Anshei Moshe’ 1334 Lincoln place. for Live feed please subscribe here: Tiny.one/THreview. If you have already subscribed to the previous shiurim you will be e-mailed the details.

The classes are titled:

Sholom Bayis The why and the how foundations
Thursday, Yud Daled Kislev | Dec. 8

Sholom Bayis From good to better advancing & deepening
Thursday, Chof Alef Kislev | Dec. 15

Sholom Bayis Growing together & Trouble shooting merging
Thursday, Chof Ches Kislev 5th lichtel | Dec. 22

More info & updates? Email: info@taharashabayis.com