Four Crown Heights Activists Call for Voting “Republican Down the Ballot”

On Thursday evening Nov. 3rd, local Crown Heights activists and businesspeople met with a few of the Republican candidates for various positions.  

“This is a time for us to unite along with other Jewish communities, and endorse the candidate who’s values most align with our community’s.” said CHRC chairman Max Coen in a statement to their campaigns. “After meeting with Lee Zeldin, Michael Henry, Paul Rodriguez, and Joe Pinion, that means voting Republican down the ballot”.

“We need candidates who will fight for the pro-yeshiva and pro-safety laws that our community desires. Additionally, our state is in crushing debt, and the cost of living is unsustainable due to the high taxes and high inflation. We need people who are competent, literate, and responsible. We trust that these candidates will run our state efficiently, and allocate money to the correct places instead of the current situation where money is being allotted without any oversight and as personal favors.” 

“We therefore ask the community from the bottom of our hearts to vote Republican down the ballot, from our good friend Lee Zeldin and downwards.”


Yitzchok Rimler

Ari Rimler

Max Coen 

Yaakov Zeitz

Yaakov Blachman

The CHRC full ballot list is:

Lee Zeldin – Governor 

Paul Rodriguez – Comptroller 

Michael Henry – Attorney General 

Joe Pinion – Senate 

Menachem Raitport – House of Representatives

Vote NO to all proposals on the back of the ballot

Crown Heights United, a block of local activists and leaders, have successfully galvanized the community in recent elections and have published their own set of endorsements that can be found HERE.


  • Aliza

    In 1980’s political parties in Eretz Yisroel were coddling terrorists, resulting in more terror attacks and Jewish death. Orthodox communities supported those parties in return for money to run their Yeshivos. Chabad did not follow the others. The Rebbe referred to the money as blood money. Under Dems, attacks on Jews have increased. Voting for Schumer to get money is accepting blood money.

  • Aliza

    According to activists for Schumer:
    1. Other frum communities support him
    2. We’ll get more money
    3. He supports Israel
    4. He is going to win anyway
    Why these reasons are stupid.
    1. We are not followers
    2. Dems are destroying the economy and devaluing currency. Long run is financial disaster.
    3. Pinion also supports Israel. Not so relevant
    4. A larger margin will weaken lefties? Makes no sense