Confused About East Flatbush? This Will Explain The New Crown Heights

Have you ever been talking to someone who lives in East Flatbush? You ask them if they live near so and so and they go “ohhh that’s the other East Flatbush?” Are you confused by all the building campaigns and simchas Beis Hashoava pictures from multiple places called East Flatbush? Are you still trying to figure out where are the locations of OT Preschool and Mesivta? Looking to buy a house and wondering where people live?

Well, finally the time has arrived! Finally a clear and concise map with the names of all the new neighborhoods in Kan Tziva Hashem Es HaBracha. Crown Heights has exploded Yama Vakaidmah Tzafonah Vanegbah!

In addition to the known neighborhoods of Crown Heights proper (red), north Crown Heights (yellow), and Brownsville (brown) we have several new areas.

South Crown Heights and Kingsbrook

In blue, we have South Crown Heights and Kingsbrook. This neighborhood is popping with families and many blocks are almost completely full of Frum Yidden. The shul in the center of it all is Anshei Lubavitch which is bursting at the seams and just recently had a building campaign for their third building in as many years.

Remson Village

In green, we have Remson Village. Remson Village is the original colloquial East Flatbush where the first brave pioneer families moved out around a decade ago and now boasts over 100 families. They have a thriving community with full programming and just recently bought a multi million dollar massive community center in the heart of the neighborhood!

Oholei Torah Area

In Orange, is the Oholei Torah area. This area includes the preschool and mesivta and as of now is an area ripe for a new neighborhood (and a new name?)

SUNY East Flatbush

Lastly, in purple is SUNY East Flatbush. This area is in the actual area legally called East Flatbush. This area has doubled in size in the last two years with already over 70 families and new families moving in every month! A warm and close knit group, there’s a real sense of community in this neighborhood that’s also bursting at the seams! Having outgrown the current basement shul space plus a massive tent erected for Tishrei, they are also getting ready to launch a building campaign so they can finally have a place to call their own and host the many wonderful programs they offer, to support each other and give the families a place to call home.

Why is it Important?

These neighborhoods are the future of Crown Heights! They are the places where your children’s teachers live. Where your children can move to so they can still be near Bubby and Zaidy but have a backyard. Where there’s room to host guests. So families can still walk to 770 on Yom Tov but have a shul and community. Where, instead of just being another family in Crown Heights, they can benefit from the support of neighbors who look out for each other. Where out of towners and BT’s and shluchim’s kids all belong.

Forty years after thousands of Yidden made a mass exodus from all of these neighberhoods we are seeing a massive revival! Be a part of history in the making! Support the future of Crown Heights!