Picture the Scene, Hakhel 2964

Picture the scene.

Yud Zayin Tishrei, 2964.

It feels like a Yom Tov or a celebration, babies in arms and children about, men and women walk through the cramped path. It’s crowded and dark, the walkway is blocked off, thousands of Yidden headed as one towards the courtyard in the Beis Hamikdash. The king is approaching the platform built special for this day. The noise is quieting, everyone looks on as he is handed the Torah scrolls. The very scrolls that Moshe had written. A thrill is in the air, It’s the most anticipated event in the last 7 years. Everyones is focused, even the babies can feel it, as the king gets ready to address the masses, full of men, women, and children – It’s Hakhel. 

Yud Ches Tishrei, 5783

The sidewalks are crowded, and the streets are blocked off, it’s dark and squishy, and way past bedtime. Mendel walks a little faster to keep up, he doesn’t want to get lost in the crowd. The night feels different, a thrill is in the air. The sounds of the trees blowing in the wind get muffled with the music growing louder, as they draw closer to Eastern Parkway. He waves excitedly as he spots a classmate across the street. He hopes this time to have come early enough to get a good seat, maybe a few extras to share with his cousins. The noise quiets down as the speakers pick up, lights shining on the stage, it’s starting any minute now, the Mega Event everyone has gathered for, men, women, and children – It’s Hakhel.