Crown Heights Beis Din Publishes Letter Outlining Push For Tznius in the Community


In a letter dated the 6th of Elul, the two members of the Crown Heights Beis Din outlined their work done over recent months to address the issue of Tznius in the Crown Heights community.

“Recently, we made an effort to get in touch with the local board members of various Jewish Girls High Schools in our community to review their Tznius policies and ensure the standards of Torah are appropriately maintained,” the Beis Din wrote.

The letter, which outlined the general approach that the Rabbonim took towards the matter, states that they received a positive response from most of the schools approuched.

“We are pleased to say that MOST of the schools in our community really take this issue very seriously as should be,” they wrote, “they have proper policies in place, and they work very hard to make sure these policies are appropriately enforced.”

The letter published does not provide a list of those schools that have had their policies reviewed by the Beis Din, nor does it name those that have not cooperated.

To end the letter, the Rabbonim state that they have done everything in their power at this time, and encouraged parents to reach out to their respective schools.

The letter is signed in print by Rabb Osdoba and Rabbi Braun.


  • Hindy

    Well, there goes 90% of the student body!! No school In crown heights is going to reject kids based on their parents lack of tznius. The problem is way too far gone for this to be put into practice

  • Chaim

    The only thing the schools can (and should) possibly enforce is the tznius standards of their own staff.

  • Chaim

    Schools should enforce tznius standards of their own staff (preferably on and off school time).

  • Berel

    You can’t vet the parent body let’s be real. I’m not sure the majority of kids dressing beneath standard have parents who do so as well.

    The only way to do this is to vet the student body and cull the herd when members of the previously vetted student body fall beneath standards and at some point you aren’t a community school and please don’t call me to sell raffle tickets.

  • Bubby

    Please publish the rabbonim’s tznius guidelines. They haven’t been published in decades and many people are simply ignorant of what the halacha dictates