The Yocheved Gourarie Kindness Award Opens Nominations


Nominations for the 5782/2022 Yocheved Gourarie Kindness Award has opened, allowing community members to celebrate their teachers and classmates who have made a positive impact on their life.

Yocheved Gourarie was born and raised in Crown Heights.

A remarkable individual – petite and soft spoken in physical stature, Yocheved left a powerful legacy.

Highly educated, intelligent and insightful, she had an enormous heart and was beloved by all with whom she crossed paths

Having valiantly struggled with mental illness for the better part of ten years, Yocheved ultimately succumbed, passing away at the tender age of 24 in December of 2020.

To continue her legacy of spreading kindness, the Yocheved Gourarie Annual Kindness Award was created, giving a $10,000 award to a teacher, and $1,000 award to a classmate, who have made a positive impact on others.

The winner’s of the awards are chosen by nominations submitted at, where where community members can nominate those they feel have impacted their lives.

The awards are exclusive to Crown Heights, and nominations close on May 17th the 16th Iyar.

One Comment

  • Nochum labkowsky

    Rabbi greenboum the dean in cheder menchem and beis chaya mushka in la he is so careing about each kid and he cares about the staff he is the best best