LIVE: Rabbi Michoel Seligson will Share his Memories of Nissan with the Rebbe at Yud Aleph Nissan Seuda and Farbrengen at “A Taste of Moshiach Shiur”
At the Yud Aleph Nissan preparation Seuda and Farbrengen following the weekly Taste of Moshiach Shiur, Rabbi Michoel Seligson will farbreng and share his memories of Nissan with the Rebbe at Beis Eliezer Yitzchok, 394 Kingston Ave, at 8:30.
(Maariv at 8:15).
Rabbi Michoel Seligson will be sharing his memories of Chodesh Nissan with the Rebbe at the Seuda and Farbrengen following the Taste of Moshiach Shiur. Reliving moments with the Rebbe is one of our primary tools for Hiskashrus, and the month of Nissan is full of such moments, starting with Beis Nissan, Yud Aleph Nissan, Pesach and Chai Nissan. Rabbi Seligson is sure to bring many of these moments to life with his vivid recollection.
Connecting to the Rebbe is a fundamental part of preparing ourselves and our times for Moshiach. Through learning, farbrenging, inspiring ourselves and strengthening one another, we can make the Rebbe’s vision our reality. Join us at 8:30 on Thursday evening at Beis Eliezer Yitzchok (Maariv at 8:15), 394 Kingston Ave, for a fascinating shiur on the Rebbe’s chidush on Torah and Yiddishkeit in the times of Moshiach delivered passionately by Rabbi Mendel Krasnianski.
A seuda and farbrengen in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan with Rabbis Kalman Weinfeld and Michoel Seligson will take place following the shiur. The alter Rebbe That. דאס וואס עס קען אויפטאן א חסידישער פארברריינגען קען מלאך מיכאל ניט אויפטאן ,teaches which a chassidishe farbrengen can accomplish, even the angel Michoel can not accomplish.
Let us learn the Rebbe’s Torah and tap into our power and the strength of a farbrengen to affect a positive change in our lives and a permanent change in the world. May we be zoche to greet Moshiach NOW and spend this Pesach with the Rebbe in Yerushalayim!