TONIGHT: Pesach Pop Up To Showcase Local Small Businesses

A Pesach Pop Up Shop for Women will be open tonight, Sunday April 3rd 6:00pm – 9:30pm, showcasing small businesses in Crown Heights.

The Hustle Wig: For the hustlers, the do-ers, the busy moms, the long-days-at-work, we make looking good and wearing a wig simple. We searched the market for the best quality hair, and created the wigs in-house to offer you the best price. Today, we offer you The Hustle Wig, the experience every wig-wearing woman deserves.

Emcielle NYC: Emcielle NYC was founded by a group of like-minded fashion devotees, determined to deliver impeccable quality and style to shoppers worldwide. Our store policies are fair and generous, our customer service is smart and useful, and our products are made with your versatility and modesty in mind.

Nostalgia Vintage: Modest vintage clothing hand picked with love.

Tichel My Fancy: Gorgeous, High Quality & Tznius, Non-Slip Pre-Tied Tichels