INTENTION: The Lights that Make Oholei Torah Shine

On the Possuk from the Megillah ליהודים הייתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר the Gemera says that Orah refers to Torah, as it says in Mishlei, כי נר מצוה ותורה אורAccordingly, Oholei Torah are radiant, shining, glowing tents of light, illuminating our world in the Orah of Torah, Nigleh d’Torah and Pnimius Hatorah.

In this 11th edition of INTENTION, we highlight a number of the lights that make Oholei Torah shine:

·         Family Profile profiles an Oholei Torah family. In this edition we have the honor and pleasure of featuring The Friedman Family.

·         AlumnEye turns our focus on an Oholei Torah alum. In this edition we have the honor and pleasure of focusing the lens of our eye on Mr. Mendy Glick.

·         A Yiddisheh Kop—איין אידישע ווארט analyzes a single Yiddish word, its meaning, usage, and application in Chassidus.

·         Achdus Baskets the most 

In our perpetual effort to live up to the Orah of Torah that is our name, we hope that this edition of INTENTION has brough some light into your life, and will result in the ultimate Orah and Simcha of all, with the coming of Moshaich now!

Wishing you and all of Klal Yisroel a freilichen Purim!