“Umetum A Tomim – Everywhere a Tomim”

A Tomim is born here and grows to impact the entire world. A Tomim’s chinuch in Tomchei Temimim plants seeds that will grow to reach endless minds and souls.

In an appeal letter written by the Rebbe on behalf of Tomchei Temim, the Rebbe described how the Yeshivos of Tomchei Temimim went through Galus after Galus, in Russia, Eretz Yisroel, Poland, Latvia, until the Central Yeshiva was replanted in America.

But, EVERYWHERE Tomchei Temimim was established, was its home. The Tomchei Temimim’dike Daled Amos of Torah and Tefillah was established everywhere.

“The deep roots it planted have brought forth fruits and fruits of fruits and have held up Yiddishkeit wherever they may have found themselves.”

די טיפע ווארצלען וואס זי האט פארפלאנצט האבען געבראכט פירות און פירי-פירות און אויפגעהאלטע אידישקייט וואו זיי האבען זיך נאר געפונען

Our annual, long awaited Yeshiva music video is out! Check out our latest hit at YTTL.ORG.

Extra-curricular outlets fosters our students’ creativity and helps them thrive. We love to see them shine!

Each student inspired in our Yeshiva, creates a ripple effect throughout the world. The chinuch of a Tomim is far-reaching.

Be a part of it today!

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