Two Hachnasas Sefer Torahs in Crown Heights Next Week
by CrownHeights.info
Two Hachnasas Sifrei Torah are planned for this coming week in Crown Heights, bringing a double dose of simcha to the community.
SUNDAY: Yud Daled Elul – August 22nd – The Pinson Family are inviting the community to join them in welcoming a sefer torah. The Siyum will take place at the Pinson residence, 1315 Carroll Street at 3:00pm. The procession will leave from there at approximately 5:00pm to Reb Getzel’s Shul at 349 Kingston Ave. Hakafos and Seudas Mitzvah to follow.
MONDAY: Tes Vov Elul -August 23rd – The Laskar Family is inviting the community to join them in welcoming a sefer torah. The Siyum will take place at the Laskar residence, 561 Albany Ave at 5:00pm. The procession will leave from there at approximately 6:00pm to 770 Eastern Parkway. Hakafos will take place at approximately 7:00pm in 770.