What Language Does Crown Heights (Hatzalah) Speak?
Mitzrayim means borders. A Jew’s job, as we learned in the Tanya of a few days ago (Chapter 47), is to transcend the borders every single day.
Does Crown Heights have borders? No. Crown Heights is the intersection of global humanity. Crown Heights is at the center of the world. Our borders melt away by the dictum of Ufaratzta.
An average week sees South American groups bumping into college students from across the United States. Shluchim from Africa converse with their Australian brethren, while French sentences mingle with Russian punctuated by Italian, Spanish, Arabic, and Dutch.
Of course, Hebrew and Yiddish are everywhere.
Hatzalah of Crown Heights serves men, women, and children from every continent with every accent. Yes, we are a local Hatzalah, but as Lubavitcher Chassidim who house the world, our locality happens to impact every land.
We have answered the call of a head Shliach to an Asian country, just as we have the child of a European visitor. Our members speak 29 languages. We have heard thank you in more dialects than we know.
Dear readers across the circular embrace we call earth, please consider giving a few shekels, rubles, pesos, pounds, euros, and, yes, even dollars to Hatzalah of Crown Heights. After all, if you or anyone you know ever passes through this borderless locale, we serve you!
What language does Crown Heights (Hatzalah) speak? The language of love!
Thank you for going to hatzalahthon.com/hatzalahch and giving fluently in whatever denomination or language you feel most comfortable. May G-d Al-mighty bless you with physical health and spiritual wellbeing.
Todah! Ah Dank! Spasiba! Shkoyich! Merci! Shukran! Kozsanem! Thank you.