Crown Heights Keilim Mikvah Expands Hours For Erev Pesach


The Crown Heights Keilim Mikvah located in the Kingston Ave alleyway on the side of Totally Her has been bustling all week as families prepare for Pesach.

The managers of the Mikvah, who recently completed repairs and upgrades, published a reminder to the community regarding its use.

“Just don’t put your car in the driveway,” they wrote, “take all your garbage back with you, and don’t forget to lock the doors when you’re done.”

The mangers had instituted a $30 Credit Card hold for those using the facility, hoping to fix a series of old issues that have plagued the Mikvah for years. Should you follow the rules, the $30 hold automatically drops from your card.

As Pesach approaches, the mikvah’s hours have been extended to 24 hours, significantly reducing congestion.

Another option to Toivel keilim is a newly begun service from Crown Heights teenagers Yosef and Dovid Aronow, who will pick up your Keilim, Toilev them, and return them for a fee.