Young Entrepreneurs Launch Tevilas Keilim Service In Crown Heights
by CrownHeights.info
Tevilas Keilim is an onerous chore, filled with hours of loading, unloading, dunking, loading, and then unloading again. Don’t we wish that someone else would just do it for us? Those “someone’s” are Yosef and Dovid Aronow.
Under the supervision of their father, Crown Heights natives Yosef and Dovid Aronow embarked on their entrepreneurial journey with the launch of their first joint venture, serving the Crown Heights community with Tevilas Keilim.
“I know for myself it’s a hassle” said Ahron, the boys’ father, “I have items lying around for months because I can’t get around to toiveling my new keilim, it’s a hassle, and I’m sure I’m not alone with this sentiment”.
As Pesach approaches and the boys reflected about the year that passed, it dawned on them that so many people made pesach last year under unconventional circumstances. While listening to the Rov’s Voice Note from erev shabbos, they realized that many people will now have to toivel their keilim before using them this year.
Taking a page out of their father’s business, they got to work figuring out details and logistics, and how to put customer service at the forefront.
“It’s beautiful to see them all excited about starting a little business” said Estee their mother. “They recognized a need, stepped in, and are taking it very seriously. This will be great for them when they grow up and enter the real world.”
Pickup and delivery in Crown Heights is included in their business plan, with a flat rate of $20 for anything that fits into an “Empire Kosher” box, just like the USPS model, “if it fits it ships”. Add $3/box if the items are new and have those pesky stickers, and $3 for any loose item.
The boys also recognize the importance of Tzedaka and supporting local mosdos, with all maaser going to support the Taharas Moshe Keilim Mikvas of Crown Heights, located in the alley on the side of Totality Her.
For now pickup/deliveries start after 5:30 PM while the boys are still in Yeshiva, but will turn into a full day service and late hours as it gets closer to Yom Tov.
Slots are filling fast. Reach out right away.
@ch_tevilas_keilim (instagram)