Schools To Test Students In Attempt To Stave Off Closure


The schools of Crown Heights have made the decision to test all the students for COVID-19 in an attempt to assure that the mosdos will remain open.

“As we prepare to resume school during this ever changing health crisis, the Crown Heights Moisdos are continuing to work together to avoid a shutdown of our Yeshivas and schools,” the schools wrote in emails to the parents.

The decision, based on the logic that the more tests done will mean more negative COVID tests, has been used in other Jewish neighborhoods, including Williamsburg and Lakewood.

To facilitate this, the schools have required each parent to sign a permission form allowing the school to contract a third party to test each child.

Neysayers argue that the COVID tests higher than average false poitive rate would instead put the schools at risk of an inflated positive rate, and the possibility of closure.

Schools involved in the testing drive include Oholei Torah and Lubavitcher Yeshiva.