Anshei Lubavitch “Geshem Shul” To Hold Auction and Raffle
Booklets were printed, food was ordered and there was excitement buzzing around the community of Anshei Lubavitch. The “not so new anymore” Shul was gearing up for their annual fundraiser auction.
Then Corona hit.
There were bigger things to worry about.
At a time that was scary and lonely for most people worldwide, our Shul stepped up to the plate, proving that “no Jew will be left behind.” We created a safe and comforting network, ensuring every member had their needs met.
Constant food distributions, weekly kiddush packages with herring and beer over a pre-Shabbos Zoom Farbrengen, made everyone feel united. Dinners were sent out to those needing the extra support, anonymous accounts were set up at some local food, homeware and clothing stores for those left making Pesach for the first time. Matzah, wine and meats were handed out before Pesach, cheeses before Shavuot, and so much more.
In a shul that the members always felt a sense of belonging before Corona days, this just took it to the next level!
Now that we are well adjusted to the new normal, the auction can proceed as planned. But our goals are much higher!
Click Here to enter the raffle!
The auction facilitates running the many wonderful initiatives of our programs run by the women of the Shul. These include monthly Rosh Chodesh programs, pre Yom-tov programs, family events and entertainment, meaningful lectures and chinuch sessions, dinners and gifts for families with simchas, and chas v’sholom for not happy occasions, and an annual Melava Malka celebrating the Shul’s achievements and growth of the year.
This past year we made our first Shabbaton which proved to be essential for the women. Getting together for a weekend of inspiration, rejuvenation and a good time. The women who started off the weekend only knowing one another as ‘the wives of a group of friends’ left Sunday morning asking when they can sign up to next year’s shabbaton and leaving with 25 new friends!
Now we turn to you, to partner up and help us continue giving these families a community within our greater community here in crown heights.
This auction has many exciting prizes and packages, which were so kindly donated by our local shops, and businesses. Thank you to all our sponsors who have made this possible. B”H, we are so grateful!
Click Here to enter the raffle!
And a tremendous THANK YOU to Rabbi and Rebbitzin Yossi Garelik, for their ongoing dreams, passion, and driving force behind it all!
Thank you and Good luck!
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