Breaking the Mold, Not the Spirit of a Child

Shape the Future from Rivkin Media on Vimeo.

A lot has changed in the world since Mendy Pellin walked the halls of ULY Ocean Parkway (usually during class, unfortunately). Perhaps the most significant change has come from the fresh approach to education our new schools have taken.

We now have schools that think outside the box and cater to the children in their care instead of trying to squeeze them into a mold.

By embracing the individual and working with his and her strengths, these schools have shown us a better way, and the results couldn’t be more impressive.

But, we’re in danger of losing all that if we can’t raise the funds needed to keep our schools up and running. With less than 24 hours left, we need you to step in, step up, and help us reach our goal.

Please give what you can and be sure to check out the extraordinary raffle prizes you could be bringing home for you or your spouse: