Over 400 Mechanchim Receive Surprise Chanukah Gifts
by Mrs. Malky Weinstock
This Chanukah, over 400 teachers of Lubavitch Elementary schools, Mesivtas and Zals throughout Crown Heights and surrounding neighborhoods, found a surprise Chanukah gift pack for their families in their mailboxes.
The gift pack contained a veritable treasure trove of gifts — paint sets, Chanukah stamps, a children’s story CD, charming Chanukah cookies, Chanukah candies, a Chanukah coloring book. It was another caring project facilitated by the Igud Hamelamdim, the Lubavitch Teachers’ organization, a gesture of appreciation that uplifted the hundreds of recipients and enhanced their families’ Yomtov.
“My kids were thrilled!” recounts Rabbi Yisroel Raices, a Rebbi in United Lubavitch Yeshiva, “it gave the kids exciting activities to do, and for me, it felt so good to feel appreciated for my work in Chinuch.”
The core mission of Igud Hamelamdim is boosting chinuch and invigorating the teachers, and they thus provide year-round support operations and initiatives. They source every means possible to lighten the burden of Teachers, so they can teach undisturbed. The Chanukah gift packs were sourced from the Chasdei Lev organization, which Igud HaMelamdim recruited, to provide teachers with meaningful and helpful gifts. Igud HaMelamidim raises the funds, and coordinates all the myriad logistics to ensure the gifts’ seamless delivery.
“Our teachers are there for our children every day, and by showing them our support, we empower them to provide the best Chinuch for our children,” says Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, Director of Igud Hamelamdim. “In this context, I wish to thank the exceptionally goodhearted Baalei Chesed, R’ Yerachmiel and Rivkah Leah Jacobson, for their magnanimous generosity and partnership in providing for our Teachers. Their support of chinuch is surely a great merit for them and a source for many brachos b’gashmius and b’ruchnius.”