Sunday: $5 Chickens for Kaporos by NCFJE
Subsidized chickens for the traditional Kaporos ritual will once again be made available for Crown Heights residents by the NCFJE.
The chickens will be available Sunday, October 6th, from 1:00pm to 7:00pm (or till supplies last) in the parking lot of Beis Rivkah High School on Montgomery Street between New York and Nostrand Aves.
“Every year we get regards from dozens and dozens of families who literally could not afford to spend an extra dollar. They simply would not be able to observe the minhag if not for these discounts,” Rabbi Shea Hecht, Chairman of NCFJE and a noted Crown Heights activist, told CrownHeights.info.
When Rabbi JJ Hecht, OBM, the late Chairman of NCFJE, facilitated large-scale observance of Kaporos in the early 1970s, the Rebbe gave him much encouragement and asked for details of the operation, including the number of birds sold, the expenses, shechita and who took part.