Monday: Drug Awareness and Prevention Event Coming to Crown Heights
by Chani Vogel
For the first time ever, Aleph Institute is proud to present an evening highlighting drug prevention and awareness. Together with the Neshamos organization, and Dr. Rosen, we have partnered to spread awareness about the epidemic plaguing all of us.
Drugs does not discriminate. Chasidish, modern, it makes no difference, all our communities are affected. Dr. Eli Rosen will deliver the keynote address. How do we spot the signs of drug use? How do we talk to our children about it? What can we do to prevent our families from getting sucked in? My son is so chasidish, this can’t happen to him, or can it Chas Veshalom? Tishrei is coming. What happens with the guests that come? Knowledge is power. Let us all be armed with knowledge.
We can not prevent our children from being exposed, how do we strengthen them to make the right decisions? Together with Rabbi Yossi Friedman from Hatzalah, and Rabbi Meir New from Neshamos we bring to you an evening of awareness. Crown Heights Shomrim and Flatbush Shomrim are teaming up to bring this message as far and as wide as we can spread it.
David Kushner from Amudim will be doing a Narcan training and every attendee will go home with a Narcan kit, and be trained to use it. We can not stand by and be quiet anymore. In the words of our Rebbe, “Az ess tut vei shreit men!” When it hurts we scream!
Let’s be informed so that we can prevent the heartache of an overdose Chas Veshalom! NOW before Tishrei, let’s do this! We are looking forward to greeting you on Monday September 23, at 8 PM at Lubavitcher Yeshiva.
With warmest wishes for a Ksiva Vachasima Tova,
Chani Vogel and the Aleph Institute.
Sponsorship Opportunities are available.