This Weeks Shalom Zochor List
We present the Shalom Zochor list for the week of Shabbos Parshas Mattos Masei, Shabbos Chazak:
Levi Yitzchak and Chany (nee Markovitch) Eidelman – 816 Montgomery st (between Albany Ave and Troy Ave)
Shaya and Mushka (nee Pinson) Zalmanov – 790 Troy Ave (between Lenox Rd and Linden Blvd)
Getzy and Mushky (nee Chayo) Goldstein – 332 New York Ave, (between President St and Union St)
Mordi and Nina (nee Barnett) Simons – 559 Brooklyn Ave, 6th Floor (between Maple St And Midwood St)
Zalmy and Miriam (nee Shain) Raskin – 31 Sherwood Ridge Road, Pomona NY
To publish a Shalom Zochor on our weekly list please email news@crownheights.info with the information.