City Agrees to Change Kingston Ave. Parking Rules
The NYC Department of Transportation announced that it has agreed to comply with requests from the Jewish community to extend metered parking on Fridays to accommodate Shabbos observance.
Until now, it was impossible for observant Jews to park on Kingston Avenue over Shabbos during the winter, as there is a one-hour maximum on the meter until 7:00pm, and Shabbos comes in as early as 4:15pm.
Under the new rules, the parking regulation will be amended from one hour to allow up to four hours of metered parking on Fridays.
In January of 2016, Community Board Member Yaacov Behrman proposed that the DOT adjust the meters on Kingston so that residents can park there on Friday during the winter. The Community Board voted unanimously to support the proposal.
Assemblywoman Diana Richardson, and Council Member Laurie Cumbo voiced strong support for this request to the DOT, and it was formally approved last week. A special thank you to Matthew Pitt from Cumbo’s office for his efforts.
The DOT will implement the changes by the end of July, 2017.
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Thank you!
Thank you Yaacov Behrman! Well done!
Yaakov Behrman, great work.
now get us more parking spots, and get the trucks from blocking the traffic! (etc)
What about Troy?
Yossi A
It’s, about time.
In BP they have these rules a few years already.
troy ave
Now do the same for troy ave, and no meter on shabbos
After reading the letter, Kingston between union and eastern parkway east side is the side of the JCM which has 24hr no standing, it’s the side of 770 (west side) that has the meters. So does the mean they are changing the laws or did they make a mistake. Am I wrong?
Free Parking
They should have changed it to allow for free parking after 4 pm on Fridays.
Not yet
4 hour parking on Friday could create a problem during the day. It is indeed better to just end the metered parking at 4pm
Busy guy
What is with the storage container taking up three parking spots on kingston between union and eastern parkway?
is there a way to get that thing moved to a location that is not a premium parking spot?
Parking Mavin
Thank you.
The real parking challenge:
Decrease alternate side to once per week like in many other neighborhoods including Park Slope and Boro Park.
i didn’t know that crown heights stops by empire boulevard
what about kingston between east new york and lefferts (west side) they forgot about that
You are never satisfied
Apart from a couple of thank you posts, the majority are grumbling about this & that. No wonder CH gets such lousy services – if residents would actually say thank you for what the city DOES do, instead of what they don’t, who knows? Maybe we too will get accommodations like BP or Willy. You are a bunch of ingrates.
Shabbos comes in as early as 4:15pm.
Shabbos comes in as early as 4:15pm.
Actually Shabbos comes in as early as 4:10 p.m.
Besides that Baruch Hashem! Gr8 news!