PSA: New Speed Camera on Eastern Parkway
Following legislation passed in Albany that allows New York City to erect 120 new speed cameras (up from a mere 20), the revenue-generating devices have been springing up all over the city, including many mobile ones designed to prevent drivers’ awareness of their existence.
The latest speed trap was erected this weekend on Eastern Parkway in front of the Brooklyn Museum. It was likely designated to be a prime spot for revenue generation after careful study by the city, as it is located on the bottom of a steep hill on a fast-moving multi-lane parkway – whose speed limit was recently lowered to a mere 25 miles per hour – the same limit as the small one-lane residential streets nearby.
As a result of its unintuitively low speed limit, Eastern Parkway has become a prime spot for the city’s very lucrative crackdown on ‘speeders,’ which has netted the city more than $20 million of revenue in 2014 alone (with less than half of the approved 120 cameras in operation).
Will alternate driving route to bypass that eastern parkway section
And another speed camera
Another speed camera was erected on West bound Eastern Parkway between Bergen Street and Rockaway Ave on center median across from Clean Rite laundromat.
Forget it
Impossible in New York
New York,and possibly Brooklyn in particular, are the most unwelcoming, unfriendly cities. As an out of towner I have received tickets for the most absurd violations: standing in a no parking zone for 2 minutes with the driver in the car to let someone else run in to drop off something, parked legally while waiting for someone with the motor on to cool off the car for longer than 3 minutes! Who thinks up these weird revenue sources. Can’t wait to leave town. How sad. What happened to the fun of coming to CH?
Levi S.
does anyone know if its true that by law these speed cameras can only be in use during school hours, so for instance at 11pm at night the camera cannot lawfully issue you a speeding ticket
Be Careful Anyway
Although they can only be turned on between 7 a.m. and 4:10 p.m. under state law, you can still be stopped and ticketed by Police Officers with radar. The camera tickets do not result in points against the driver’s license or insurance penalties. The Officer issued tickets do.
I got a ticket for “speeding” at 42 mph in a school zone at 10:00pm and appealed decision and a judge named Friedman said I had no proof that school was not in session. I kid you not.
Yes, it’s true. The cameras may only operate on the same street as a school, within 1/4 mile of the school’s entrance or exit, on days that the school is open, from half an hour before the school days starts till an hour after it ends, or until half an hour after all after-school programs have ended.
The camera in front of the Brooklyn Museum is justified by the School for the Deaf, which is a block away on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Classon.
You also can’t get a ticket from a speed camera unless you were clocked doing at least 10 miles over the limit.
“Be Careful Anyway”: The cameras don’t have to stop at 4:10pm. If there are after-school programs, they can keep going until half an hour after the programs end.
“Yakov”, you could have proved this by approaching each school on that street within 1/4 mile in either direction of the camera (around a corner doesn’t count), and getting letters from them saying what time the last after-school activity ended that day. I’m sure you’d have found that they were all shut before 9:30, and this Friedman woudln’t have been able to say anything.
For saying its “impossible” “unwelcome” and “unfriendly”:
No one deserves to die on the road.
Don’t speed and this won’t effect you.
Welcome to the New… NYC
Thanks for this article. Totally posting it on a local message board.
All these laws are passed with legislation in Albany, it is time that we get active and tell our state assemlyman and senators that we appose this. There is some talk that the city council will be voting on charging tolls to cross the bridges (manhattan, brooklyn etc.) our representitivs should be called in advance of their vote saying we oppose it and not wait untill after the fact then complain about it.
25 Saves Lives
They say statistics show that 25 mph will save lives. If that’s true then it makes sense. Money is easily replaced. Lives aren’t.
Mendelssohn chaim
It they made it 25 to save lives, why not make it 10 to save more lives, ot let’s just ban cars altogether and nobody will ever be killed in a car accident again.
They obviously made it 25 to increase ticket revenue.
DeClasse' Intellectual
#5 It is called left wing liberalism and political correctness. After all the mayor needs money to finance his we know better then all socialist agenda
You Killed My Grandma
Because driving and breaking the law and getting to the bar, or yoga class, or McDonalds, is more important that perhaps saving ONE life. If life matters so little to you, just kill yourself, and save us your idiot driving.
Mendelssohn chaim
If you get a speed camera ticket at 2am, how do you prove the school wasn’t in session?
Isnt the burden of proof on the govt? Wouldn’t they have to prove the school was in session.
On the summons does it say the name of the school closest to camera so you can contact them to get a notarized letter saying school was closed?
H from Brooklyn
to #8 above:
Become a Private Investigator and contact the school, see if school was or was not in session.
Appeal any decisions and don’t lay down