Vaad Opens New Kitchen for Guests Refused by Eshel
With hundreds of guests set to arrive in Crown Heights for the months of Elul and Tishrei, the question of where they will sleep, or how to provide meaningful programming so that Bochruim and girls do not roam the streets in boredom, lingered. One organization, which had filled that spiritual gap, recently added dorms and now food as well.
In the past, Eshel, run by Mendel Hendel, had arranged places to stay for incoming guests, but in recent years Eshel began picking and choosing which guests meet their ‘criteria,’ forcing Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim to step in and fill the void.
The institution of a dining room and kitchen came due to requests from a large number of Hanholas from Yeshivos in Israel, after last year students from their ‘non-mishechist’ yeshiva were turned away from the other organization’s kitchen. One organizer was overheard saying to a non-mishechist Bochur that “we do not serve food here, we provide sustenance to those who are learning and following the correct instructions of the Rebbe, and you are therefore not welcome here.” He then refused to let him sit down and eat.
Although the total number of Bochurim who were refused meals amounted to around 150, the Vaad sought to eliminate the problem by preparing to provide for over 400 guests throughout the high holidays.
The location of this new kitchen will be in the Chovevei Torah Simcha Hall, but this has not yet been finalized. Organizers are working out last-minute details to solve potential problems that could hinder smooth operations during the upcoming months.
This new endeavor was made possible thanks to generous donations from Schnuer Minsky, Avremel Lokshin and Chaim Yankel Leibovitz, among many other donors.
Yeshivos that have registered with the Vaad include Elad, Be’er Sheva, Beitar, Bnei Brak, Tveria, Kfar Chabad, Lod, Migdal Ha’emek (Yeshiva Gedola and Baalei Teshuva), Kiryat Gat (Yeshiva Ketana and Gedola), Nachlas Har Chabad, Rechovot and Toras Emes-Yerushalaim.
In the past, volunteers for the Vaad have been physically assaulted and threatened by employees of Eshel, who were also captured on surveillance video stealing mattresses and vandalizing a Vaad-run dormitory.
A number of Rabbis came out with letters strongly denouncing the violence, and even drew parallels to the attack on Rabbi Pinyeh Korf by a group of rogue Satmars who cut off his beard in 1983.
Those letters failed to condemn the inciter who was behind the attacks – and were content to decry the actions of the individual perpatrators, who were obviously acting on orders.
Letters from two other rabbis went so far as to condemn the victims, telling them that “they must not provoke” their attackers.
send them home
just have INS stand outside eshel and deport those who commit violence
that will solve the tzfas problem once and for all
A Crown Heights resident
Wow! About time!
Each to their own, but it is amazing to see the inclusive work the Vaad does, even with all the pressure and thug violence.
This Tishrei I plan on stopping by to see them in action. Keep up the good work!
A Crown Heights resident
Who Says
Mendy Hendel claims that he never denied service to any Bochur.
He says that: “We don’t discriminate against anyone, we provide meals and lodging to everyone equally, and everyone is greeted with a smile.”
On what do you base your accusation that “..In recent years Eshel began picking and choosing which guests meet their ‘criteria,’…” ?
yanky bennish
‎“In the past, volunteers for the Vaad have been physically assaulted and threatened by employees of Eshel, who were also captured on surveillance video stealing mattresses and vandalizing a Vaad-run dormitory.
A number of Rabbis came out with letters strongly denouncing the violence, and even drew parallels to the attack on Rabbi Pinyeh Korf by a group of rogue Satmars who cut off his beard in 1977.
Those letters failed to condemn the inciter who was behind the attacks – and were content to decry the actions of the individual perpatrators, who were obviously acting on orders.
Letters from two other rabbis went so far as to condemn the victims, telling them that “they must not provoke” their attackers.”
First off, there is no conclusive evidence that said alleged attack was perpetrated by employees of eishel hachnosas orchim. Furthermore, even if said perps did happen to be employed by EHO then how are they OBVIOUSLY acting on orders from above, as the article misleads?! Thirdly advising a victim not to provoke his attacker is not blaming the victim at all!
Yakov Kirschenbaum
Something tells me that you’re not getting the full story here. Just a hunch.
to #3
People that are exposed as being disgraceful, usually deny their disgraceful acts.
TO #3
#3 its very simple. If u have the meshiach pin on ur hat n jacket. Then hendel will welcome u. If not then u don’t belong here. GET OUT
home owner
I let hendel have my house and told him he could put no more than a certain number of guests. he put 5 times that amount and they nearly burned it down. Then he refused to pay for damages. Just the facts.
to #3
“On what do you base your accusation that “..In recent years Eshel began picking and choosing which guests meet their ‘criteria,’…” ?”
On the fact that it happens!!!
Why is Mendel Hendel fighting so hard against the Vaad? What does he care (why does it bother him) that another organization is doing good work? Why does it bother him so much that he’s doing everything he can to disrupt them?
This reminds me of the so called “Shomrim shmira issue” created by the CHJCC in-order to distract the people away from their corruption?