KSCVK’s Young Leadership Committee Meets Up

Keren Simchas Chosson V’kallah has founded a Young Leadership committee, which will focus on getting young people more involved in funding and organizing KSCVK’s activities. The new committee gathered for the very first time last night on the roof of 866 Eastern Parkway, where they engaged in a roundtable discussion and shared ideas about how to grow the organization, while enjoying a barbecue with a panoramic view of New York City’s skyline.

The committee was founded and is directed by Moshe Frank, director of Meshulach Marketing, who volunteered of his free time to take the helm of this new committee, with the blessing of KSCVK’s directors: Devorah Benjamin and Shmully Barshevitzky.

Mrs. Benjamin, who was present at the meeting, told CrownHeights.info that “It was really inspiring to see such young gentlemen gathered and brainstorming to see what they could do in order to help others.”

Members of the new committee are from all over the tri-state area, including: Crown Heights, Manhattan, New Jersey and Five-Towns. Their business experience comes from a variety of large and small firms, including JP Morgan and someecards.com, among others.

Current members of the committee are: Ezzy Rappaport, Yehuda Cohen, Yossi Feiner, Sammy Gertner, Leib Chaim Goldfarb, Yossi Itzingner, Eli Ledderman, Tyler Kremberg, Refoel Tessler, Chaim Wolmark, Isaac Baumgarten, Chesky Klein, Berry Tsfasman, Eitan Goldberg, Bruce Backman, Daniel Weisman, Dovid Duchman, Moti Newman, Yoni Roszenberg, Moshe Kapolow, Isser Boyarsky and Eli Winner.

For more information, or to join the committee, contact Moshe Frank at mfrank@kscvk.org


  • # 1 priority

    Im sure with such fine people in our community they will come together and help our schools. Chniuch is obviously the #1 priority for every parent

  • Yankel

    Just a reminder to the committee and everyone else in CH to pay full tuition for their kids before giving any maasar or extra tzedakah to any other org.

  • How do i join?

    What age is this for?
    How much money do i need to tell people i make?
    What class car do i need to drive?
    How modern does my wife need to dress?

    Please add anything else

  • Chinuch

    We need a committee for education. Actually two- a men’s and women’s committee. Priorities!!!

  • you cant join

    re :6. How do i join?…. you left out minimum IQ required , but we already have your number , based on the questions you listed.

  • Keep up your good work

    If someone wants to organize a commitee for Tutition thats O.K. but whats has one thing to do with another. Hatzlochah Devorah and all her committee. Keep up your wonderful work. Hashem will provide for every one.

  • I can-t believe it

    Shame on all those nasty comments! There is a beautiful organization in CH who truly helps families and all you people have to comment is about giving for chinuch etc. I am a hard working ‘classical’ middle class person, not eligible for any government programs etc etc. Struggling to pay my tuition ad well. And NO I don’t own a home! Yet I would never put down people who donate for one cause and not another.
    Why don’t u have it out with the rohr’s that they do’t support chunuch? Why don’t u have it iut with Levayev etc etc. stop being bitter people!

  • to # 15

    Shame on you for saying people should allowed to give to any organization! NO! you should first pay your tuition once your tuition is paid in FULL then you can go and donate to any other organization.

    Its about time people stop giving to everyone else and start paying tuition for their children

    If you disagree please explain why you should donate money to someone else before paying up tuition

  • know the truth before you speak!!

    What’s Wrong with you people?? Where do you people come to the conclusion that the people on the committee do not pay their fair share of tuition??? And if we are already on this topic of tuition why is no one here outraged about the high tuition that we are charged??? When must of the money go’s to wasteful spending and to line the pockets of people that go in to Chinuch for a business for them and their family’s?????!!!!