The 'Tmimim Trip' for Oholei Torah Eighth Grade (OTEG) was held this past Shabbos in Morristown, NJ, with over 60 bochurim attending.

Eighth Graders Enjoy Shabbaton in Morristown

The ‘Tmimim Trip’ for Oholei Torah Eighth Grade (OTEG) was held this past Shabbos in Morristown, NJ, with over 60 bochurim attending.

After more than two months of special learning and preparations for Yud Aleph Nissan, those boys who achieved the required amount of points were awarded with this special trip.

Organized by Rabbi Yossi Bryski, director of OTEG, and accompanied by older bochurim, the students enjoyed “Erev Shabbos pizza,” a warm and inspiring shabbos program and a motzei shabbos ice skating trip.

During a scavenger hunt in Walmart, the students found time to do mivtzoim and put on Tfillen with Yidden who they found.

OTEG thanks the Rabbinical College of America and the Morristown community for their time and inspiring farbrengens.

The boys returned home with many stories and much excitement from the uplifting weekend.


  • Oteg Always!

    Shaya was the best Mashpia! You spoke so well and everyone had a great time!

  • OTEG

    Thanks to ALL the most amazing staff that came along this shabbaton was the best Shabbos of my LIFE!!! thank you!

  • excellent program

    THANK YOU rabbi Bryski and Rabbi Feldman for all your devotion.
    Levi Deutsch, your the best! keep up your great photography. your shots are amazing!