Ticket Writing in Crown Heights Up 88%

Ticket writing by the NYPD in Crown Heights has spiked considerably under the De Blasio administration, data released by the Police Department shows.

In the northern half of Crown Heights, the jurisdiction of the 77th Precinct, ticket writing for moving violations in the first quarter of 2014 went up 88 percent, from just over two thousand last year to almost four thousand this year.

In the southern half of Crown Heights, the jurisdiction of the 71st Precinct, ticket writing for moving violations went up 50 percent, from 3,337 in the same period last year to 4,932 in this year’s first quarter.

Common moving violations for which citations are issued include driving with windows that are tinted too dark, speeding, making illegal U-turns and failure to yield to pedestrians.

Tickets for failure to yield to pedestrians are up a whopping 2,500 percent in the 77th Precinct, with just 3 issued in early 2013, compared to 78 this year.

City officials say the recent surge in ticket writing is part of the new mayor’s ‘Vision Zero’ program, which seeks to eliminate traffic fatalities by cracking down on scofflaw drivers.


  • of course

    if you live outside of CH like utica st john nostrand, there is no one ever giving tickets you dont even have to move your car for alternerside parking as they dont come around

    but if you live in the heart of CH??? they wont wait 10 seconds to ticket you!!!

  • iwasticketedtooalongtimeago

    if you do the crime you should pay the fine …. thank g-d the police are making the streets safer for those around the folks who make it difficult for others

  • Fight It

    I got a failure to yield to pedestrian ticket and it was false. The police officer told me I had failed to yield to a pedestrian when I made a left turn, but I had made a right turn and there were no pedestrians in the road. These things can’t be let go. I’ll tell it to the person they call judge.

  • its crazy

    The cops have to much power.
    They just decide you did a violation and it’s your wrote vs them = you lose .

    • not so much

      as far as residential area only in chassidic areas as far as businesses yes they give alot of tickets

  • You know who to blame

    We have the worst community council in the city. In BP or Flatbush or Willy they have alternate side once a week!!! We have every day except wed. And out relationship with the PD is ridiculous. Other than when they pose for pictures

  • declasse intellectual'

    two points: the Mayor needs money to support his education plans and he had proposed tax the rich and second, if you own a car your are riuch
    now he is after water users as well

  • It's very simple...

    The cost to the city of increased police presence on Crown Heights streets is considerable. The mayor’s plan is brilliant on how to retrieve those funds…