Produce and Clothes Distributed by ‘Mr.’ Stores

Mr. Greens and Mr. Clean, both Albany Avenue merchants, helped ease some of the Pesach burden by distributing donated and unclaimed clothes and shoes, as well as cases of quality produce.

Set up on the corner of Albany and Union, a truck showed up at 6:00am and workers unloaded palette after palette of potatoes, carrots, onions, romaine lettuce, sweet potatoes, beets and oranges.

In addition to the food, clothing was set up on tables and racks for all to take, this was done in conjunction with Mr. Clean cleaners, a sister store in the Mr. family of businesses, and others who donated their shoes and clothing.

“This is where the parnassah comes from” said a passerby to one of the owners, and thanked him for his generosity.


  • beautiful

    shloimy and shaya – kol hakavod to both of you. this is the real meaning of tzedokoh.
    Hashem should bless you both with parnossoh behorchovo.