Friendship Circle Celebrates Yud Shvat

The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, under the direction of Rabbi Berel and Chani Majesky, hosted a grand Yud Shvat Farbrengen for its Boys’ Divison.

Hosted at the all new Geshem Center, the boys gathered for a little pre-Tu B’Shvat activity: planting. They placed soil and seeds in bottles, watered them and took their little plants home to watch the miracle of creation unfold.

While everyone enjoyed hot pizza, Rabbi Chaim Majesky shared a couple of amazing stories of the Rebbe, encouraging the boys and their volunteers to turn to the Rebbe for Brochos whenever they may need.

The program concluded with Niggunim and games.

The Boys Division is directed by Yossi Smoller, and with the help of over 40 Oholei Torah Bochurim offers a variety of weekly and monthly programs and events, including: Friends@Home, Weekly Chavrusah Program at Oholei Torah Zal, Shabbos Minyan and monthly events and Farbrengens.

Friendship Circle would like to thank the Geshem Center for allowing the use of its beautiful facility, and to the generous donors without whom none of this would be possible.

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