Soon-to-Be Groom Victim of Anti-Semitic Assault

Illustration Photo

Crown Heights [CHI] — A Crown Heights Bochur, who will be getting married next week, was walking with a friend toward Prospect Park last night. As they were passing the botanical gardens, a large group of about 30 African–American teenagers passed them by, snickering and shouting Anti-Semitic epithets which cannot be repeated on this website.

The two Bochurim just ignored them and tried to continue on their way, when suddenly the large group of teenagers surrounded them. One of them said to his friends, “want to see something funny?” the next second the soon-to-be-groom was punched square in the face, blacking him out and sending him crashing down to the pavement. The teenagers burst out laughing at the sight of this helpless Jew, and then walked off as if they knew that nothing will happen to them.

Immediately, police were called and informed that the perpetrators were walking eastbound down Eastern Parkway. After a 45 minute wait, officers from the 71st precinct showed up at the scene and began asking questions.

The victim asked the police “why did it take so long to get here? I’m lying here in pain and the perpetrators are long gone!

The officer, Lieutenant Vroman (Badge number 920948), explained that the area where he was assaulted is under dispute between the 71st and 77th Precincts over whose jurisdiction it is.

The victim was shocked to hear this and said, “a law abiding citizen is the victim of a heinous assault and all you can do is argue over some turf!?”

The officer then shouted “your case wasn’t exactly the highest priority – we had a shooting here, a stabbing there etc.”

When the victim demanded the cops badge number, he flew into a fit of rage. “You listen to me,” he thundered, “I’m the big guy down at the precinct! Who do you think they’re gonna listen to!? I’m the Macho down there!”

“I felt like I was victimized twice last night,” the Chosson told

About two hours after he got home, the victim was visited by two officers from the 77th Precinct, who assured him that his case was indeed in their jurisdiction, and that the crime report was being filed.

Now he is left hoping that his black and blue marks will heal in time for the wedding.


  • Chaim

    I must mention, that the area your describing of this terrible episode is where many many Crowm heights women and girls go walking every day and night.

    That block needs more lighting, and more cameras.

  • Ruven

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe always used to say, that what happens in his Shchuna, decides what happens in all the world, I will even give two examples 1. He said Machlokes here causes Isreal to divide as well, by them giving away Shtachim. And 2. A more positive example, that by the previous Rebbe moving to New York the UN chose this place as its headquarters.

    I would not be far is by saying the 3 episodes of Bochrim using violence against Hhalhalas hayshiva has a connection to a lowlife Goy using hands on a Chasidisher Bocher.

    We must get our acts together and rid ourselves of this nonsense.

  • Yankel

    Ruven: well said, please take this further and don’t let your excellent solution (actually The rebbe’s) get lost in the flood of comments sure to come! Moshiach NOW


    Regardless of whether what you are saying (about what the Rebbe said) is true or not, are you a prophet to say B resulted because of A?

    Please people if you are going to quote someone or something give sources!

  • To number 5

    Your asking for sources, the Rebbe made such a Shturem in the persian gulf war, about the UN saying the time of war is over, and we should make the armory into plow shields to feed the world Instaed of fighting.

    He would say it time and time again, and said the only way that can happen is through the Freideker rebbe settling here.

    Do I need to quote where the rebbe said to say Chitas, Rambam, Mitzva Tefilin, you obviously don’t have the foundations of the Rebbea Tori’s.

  • Eli c

    Did CHI get permission from the Crown Heights Jewish community Council, to publish this story?

    To the Residents of Crown Heights:

    There have been a number of situations lately where relations between the Crown Heights Jewish community and the police department have been negatively impacted by people who have pursued a personal agenda to the detriment of the community.

    Effective immediately, the following shall be binding on every individual in this community:

    1) No one shall bring to the attention of the media, or provide to any person in the media, including newspapers, websites, radio or television, information regarding the police department, without written permission of Crown Heights Jewish Community Council.

    2) No one may publish on any website critical stories about the Police Department without written permission of Crown Heights Jewish Community Council.

    3) It is forbidden to file complain or instigate investigations against the local police department relating to communal matters without written permission of Crown Heights Jewish Community Council.

    4) No one shall bring to any media outlet, information about any resident that could, if publicized, lead to an investigation or intensified prosecution by any law- enforcement agency.

    5) All Police relations are to be conducted only by the designated representative of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and by no other person.

    The Crown Heights Jewish Community continues to work with police to improve the police interaction with the community and to ensure that proper attention is given to the needs of the community. Adherence to the guidelines above will improve that effort.

  • Levy

    I spoke to the victim, and he said when the cops came to visit him in his home, they said they feel the pain he’s going through and understand his frustration, however they said that the honest truth is that a black teenager punching a white guy is not a thing they consider a huge thing in thier list of problems.
    Now I agree in the list of rapes, murders armed possession they might place this in the back burner, however if the story would have bin visa versa 30 white guys atack a black guy OMG there would have bin 3 precincts working on the cas, there would have bin flood lights, helicopters, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be calling for riots.

    Why are the cops not looking through video survalince and then narrowing it down by questioning people in that group of hoodlums ( maybe even offer a moneterey award) them people would snitch on this thug and we would be safer with him behind bars, the police are partially responsible.

  • teach them

    This week is parshas Zachor. The way to fight Amalek is teaching the sheva mitzvos.

  • immediate action

    Go to the emergency room immediately. Then make sure a police report was filed. Get a good attorney and sue the city for damages. I think there are laws for large gangs of people gathering in the street. The police just avoid these areas because they are afraid of confrontation. You must be pro-active–get legal advice what to do. It seems you must have legal recourse for your suffering and police negligence.

  • uncivilized!

    There should be an investigation. It’s probably a group coming home from an event or activity. A small reward may be able to pinpoint the assaulter. Get professional help on this matter. Something must be done so they stop being uncivilized animals!!!

  • solution

    Make-up. Whoever does the make up for his mother should cover the marks, at least his pictures will be fine. Take arnica for the soreness.

    Re the bigger situation as it affects our general safety – Our wonderful, CARING community is council is doing WHAT about this? Simonnetti is doing WHAT? Ray Kelly is doing WHAT? Eric Adams & Karim Camara?

    We have no voice, no one cares. To #7 this is a terrible situation. WE DO NOT LIVE IN COMMUNIST RUSSIA! Deal with it!! File every complaint you can, hire a decent lawyer (try Ben Federman) and SUE EVERYONE! Go to the media! The only way things will change is if word gets out.

  • Observation

    Very interesting, that the police were saying, that the particular area is a Machlokes who’s territory it is, 71st or 77th precint.

    Everything in Ruchiniyis has its affects in Gashmiyis, cause there are two Shluchim that do Hafatza in the area ( and one has a real estate empire and still gives 2 Shiurim there a week ) and each one claim he’s the official Shliach, so untill one is the complete Bale bus on the place there will be confusion in Gashmiyis

  • cibr

    yes, pepper spray should be for everyone.
    yes arnice for the soreness.
    very sad because the perps who did it, will end up in prison one day anyway and thats what the police want. they won’t have to deal with it then.

  • may be if the shluchim stop fighting ove

    I would put it like this shluchim fight over turf so the cops do to

  • chanania sperlinberg

    Is Eli Cohen originally from crown hights or from communist russia? I have to belive that someone forged his name.

  • over-reaction

    Im sorry for the buchar to be for getting punched in the face but i think you are over reacting. The truth is its not a big deal at all. We live in a community where gun shots, raping, REAL assualts, robbery, and stabbings happen on a daily basis. Get over the small punch and be happy you are getting married. I was caught in the middle of 2 shootouts (one after the other) this past labor day- which is much worse than being hit in the face. i got over it and was simply greatful to be alive.

  • To number 7

    The Jewish Community Council has no authority when it comes to limiting the freedom of the press. If it is an issue of safety and something in our community that will benefit people or keep people informed it should be published. The last time I checked the community council was not a police force, not a government agency or anything like that. I know what the issue and the topic of the above article discusses but I think the community council is stepping a little bit out of line. They have no write to limit what people write about or speak about.

  • real crime

    to 20

    next time you get caught in a shootout i hope you get hit by a REAL bullet and not some over-reaction to some silly shootouts where all the bullets miss you.

    did that statement make any sense? it made about as much sense as your entire comment did you bafoon.

    every crime is a priority crime, especially when there is a racial element to it. next time this mob will say ‘wanna see something funny? how about the inside of a jew-bags brains?’ and they will lynch and kill a jew?

    oh wait, i think i hear a real shootout going on! wait, is that commenter #20 who got caught in the middle if it and killed? meh, i guess those bullets were real. oh well.

  • To #7

    1) Grow Up.

    2) If you are speaking on behalf of the communist council, sign your name so we know who to laugh at.

    3) Guys/Girls like you are the reason we are in this mess. Move to San Francisco. Find a nice liberal city and go hug a tree.

    4) Don’t tell the community what to do. You have no power in this town anymore. Your power was a direct result of the trust our leader put in you. Now that you have failed (Miserably!) our leader, this community owes you only one thing – a swift kick in the…

    5) Lastly, to all those looking for a real solution – Here is what the cops, the city, and especially Michael Boom berg don’t want you to know. We have rights in the USA and one of those is the right to protect ourselves. The cops cannot be relied on for two reasons:
    a) They cannot be everywhere at all times.
    b) They are corrupt and greedy and don’t actually have to work hard to get their paychecks.

    That being said, you have the right to bear arms. True, NYC makes it very hard, but it is possible. I know of more than just one guy carrying a gun LEGALLY in CH. Do not try to carry illegally as it will only land you in jail. Go out, get a carriers permit, and next time 30 hooligans stop you and try to put on a comedy show, show them something even funnier. Alternatively, move out of this stinkhole to someplace better. Maybe a place that actually provides the constitutional freedoms that NY has somehow sucked away from us all.

  • future sister in law

    thats my future brother in law i feel so bad hope he gets better before the wedding

  • Just wait and see

    It’s disheartening and saddening when something like this happens (that Jews should get attacked so viciously in the streets and the cops do nothing about it), but you should take heart in the fact that what if the cops don’t get to these hoodlums, gentrification surely will. In a short time, these miscreants will end up at the bottom of the social barrel, priced out of the neighborhood and forced out.

    Oh, and next time you frantically run to call the Police, just remember that they are actually NOT legally obligated to protect you:

  • Arnica pellets, better than the cream

    Arnica pellets! Not just the cream. It should heal the black and blue marks very quickly!

  • Chaim

    Eli Cohen was the Hillel rabbi at NYU, and they kicked him out for being the thug he is, then he was in 1414 Hanhala and they kicked him out for being the thug he is.

    Now he’s running the CHJCC which we never elected him to run, please may he lease as soon as possible and get a real job.

  • fed up

    In North Carolina, these 30 cowards thugs would have probably been shot for trying such a thing. The two Jews that were harassed should apply for gun permits. It is their neighborhood too, and they have the right to walk wherever they want. And by the way, this is a hate crime despite whatever politically correct people think.

  • exposed

    I too have been a victim of the “dispute”.
    My wife and I were walking to prospect park and were surounded by a group of black teens one of whome stepped in front of my wife and exposed himself.
    We waited over an hour for police to show. And… They never did. They never even called us back as they usually do.

    New york’s finenst.

    I respect the police individually. They put themselves in the line of danger. However, the leadership, the system, is all wrong.

  • Bottom Line

    You should not walk around without “mace” or a freaking gun or some kind of weapon!! Anyone approaches show dem whos boss!!

  • eitzeh gebber

    Dear Rebbitzen Arnica:

    FYI, a blunt trauma to the face can cause fractures of the delecate bones within the skull. If not, hemmorhage in the brain could result in death. Or blood in the nasal cavity could interfare with breathing. Or the spinal cord could be clipped from its place.

    If the victem did avoid paralasis for life or death, he experiences a misury that you never new of, even when your cholent got burnt. He was humiliated, and probably for the first time in his life felt what it means to be helpless. The fear you experience when surrounded by 30 animals at night can cause changes to happen in your brain chemistry, your awareness, your functioning.

    If you were an athlete, you would probably cancle your game next week, and if you were a singer you’d cancel your next week performence. For this Chossen, the highlight of his life was socked int he face.

    So don’t tell him to go get Arnica. It adds salt to the wound.


    Growing up in CH since the early 70’s we always knew that any area to the right of troy and left of New York Avenue was a zoo and we never walked there, ESPECIALLY at night. Who in their right mind goes there at such hours?

  • big talker

    Dear Pepper spray,

    Your pocket book of zaltz vasser ain’t gonna dooo naada when your up against a buncha n*****rs in the dark.

    You take out your pepper spray, they take out their switch blades.

    1 of 30 get rubby in the eyes, you get all 30 of 30 sharp n rusty boxcutters in your flesh. Or needles, that have bee used. Now you survive the slashing but your in for life for HIV treatment.

    Peper spray won’t help

  • lol #7

    eli cohen u r the biggest joke in ch. if u think that anyone in the PD cares what u say- lol! al achas kameh vikameh in the shchuneh, ur a mishugeh mishichist, btw where is all the money that the vaad hakohol gets??!! u seem pretty well off these days buddy. lol get a life coward. theyre prob laughing at u in the 71, thinking that mr bigshot eli cohen is an authoritative figure in crown heights…im sorry its too funny. LOSER.

  • Levi

    The one thing that always stands out to me about these types of unprovoked hate-fueled assaults, is that – aside from obviously being low-down scum – these hoodlums are the biggest cowards. They attack when they’re in huge groups and outnumber the victims by a 30 to 2 ratio.

    As for the condescending and callous nature of the police response, that unfourtunately seems to be pretty typical in this city.

  • mendoza

    the only way to deal with this to support shomriem . with$ and body . and to kik some thugs of the same kind that kik that jew
    thats the only way ,, to go out to that part of the hood and do the same .. then come home and learn chitas

  • fed up

    If the races were reversed, it would have been the breaking news and lead story on every news station around the country, but because it is just two “Jewboys” nobody cares. If the two Jews had somehow defended themselves, Al Sharpton would have had a protest march through the area in no time.

    Does anyone remember the Chris Gilyard case of the 1980’s. Gilyard was a black teenager, who slashed a Jewish woman and her son one Friday night while trying to rob them. Fourtanetly, many Jews came to their aid, surrounded Gilyard, and beat him up.

    It was clearly self defense, but Gilyard the coward and his low life of a father had the nerve to complain that Gilyard did not do anything and that the Jews beat him up because he was black. The Jews did the right thing by saving the lives of the two individuals Gilyard slashed and by beating up Gilyard.

    The lowlife punk deserved the beating for trying to kill two people. And no, he was not minding his own business like he wants everyone to think. He started up. But because he was beaten, the lowlife Sharpton had the nerve to lead a march denouncing the often beatings of blacks by chasidim. Too bad Sharpton, Gilyard got what he deserved.

  • broken window

    Let not the offensive officer’s name get lost in the shuffle – “Lieutenant Vroman (Badge number 920948)”

    will the victim or the council put pressure on someone educating that officer how to better respond next time?

    is there a way any and every one of a community to pressure a precinct if they do something wrong – other than a protest in the street – like an email address or phone #?

    don’t let someone punching comeone else slip by without consequence.

  • officer perez

    I had an incident with an oficer perez of the 71st preceint he wrote me a ticket for double parking durring the alternate side parking when everyone else is double parked . I asked the officer if he knew what time it was and he very nicely told me he knew what time it was than I looked at himand said wha are you doing ? and he gave me attitude and said your double parked . After he wrote me the ticket I drove down to his preceint and spoke to the officer in front and I used some choice words to describe what this officer did adding another cell phone bill to my month of billsad than the offier at the pecient started yelling at me how dare I come to his house calling one of his brothers a choice word and its his huuse. I think its unbeleivable an officer woul call his preceint his house my hard earned money that most of goes to taxes pays for his house .I feel that as hard working people who most of our hard earned money thats beng used to support these officers and these chazerim who beat up our youth need to be held accountable show me where our hard earned money is going to our benefit Ive had enough of this race card bing played against us . Officer Perez with the slicked back hair and the 80s style mustache why dont you arrest a guy for an actal crime .

  • #7

    Does anyone think in the Satmer/Bobuv community an Eli C kind of guy would even dare to write such a comment the day after someone from the community was punched in the face that rattled the brain! (not any lighter then the punch that killed Mr. W from president 10 years ago on a Manhattan strret!) we could have ben dealing today with an internal bleeding fatel death in the sleep from blow to the head hashem yismoer!!!! and MR ELI C your worried about a 7 line report on, is the community posting a 5k reward looking to find the perpetrator??????????!! I BET NOT!!!!!!! yet they have the “””“””“”TIME“””“””“”” to think of putting together NOT 1 BUT 5 NEW LAWS (well thought out IN COMMENT 7!!!!!!!!!!!) IN BOROPARK Community council those efforts would be hashed out in an EMERGENCY meeting with a 5 STEP PLAN of 1)placing all efforts on a reward 2) printing sign 3) a team to go hang the signs 4)call center for leads 5) team of PR/ press… then when 1 of the 40 of the gang who wants the reward will come forward and we go after him (half the way they went after shochat!!!) and perpetrator gets 5 years in prison and a civil law suit against his future earnings… word will get out that JUSTICE IS SERVED WHEN MESSING WITH THE CH COMMUNITY, now can you imagine how scared the gang was last night that they will get caught because the jews would do all in there power to bring us to justice!!! HAHA!!!!!! little did they know that instead the heads were busy putting together new 5 step rules about protecting the imagine of the police force.

  • Eli Cohen

    It’s Jackie Mason old joke: “When’s the last time you saw two blacks walking down an alley saying, ‘uh oh here come a group of Jews.’” Sad but true.

    This should not be left. There should be protest and tumult.

  • I hope the poor chosson heals quickly

    To 45, good point, but I’m not concerned with what the Satmar/Bobuv community does.

    Amazing how a Yid gets victimized and a riot doesn’t ensue, whereas if this were the other way around, CH would be chaos right now.

  • Solution

    Next time you call police for something “minor” like a racist beating, say: “police officer in trouble” they will be at the scene of the crime in a jiffy. What these police don’t realize; the 30 racist hoodlums who attacked a jew today will kill a police office tomorrow.

    First the Saturday people than the Sunday people. I understand police officers needs a college degree. Apparently college doesn’t teach much because they are apparently still many dummies among them.

  • awacs

    “know of more than just one guy carrying a gun LEGALLY in CH.”

    Uh, just how? No one gets a CCW permit in NYC unless they’re rich, famous, or in a cash business.

    Do you know differently?