Revolution of Jewish Woman Coming to Crown Heights

The Rosh Chodesh Society has been causing quite a stir amongst shluchos and the women of their communities. So much so that a group of Crown Heights women, who got wind of this, decided that they wanted the opportunity that so many women up and down the country are boasting. They got together and, at the last N’shei convention, encouraged Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson to bring the RCS courses to our shchuna. Fortunately, they succeeded!

“I’ve received numerous email, phone and text messages from Crown Heights women of all ages inquiring about the latest RCS woman’s curriculum”, says Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson, Director of the Rosh Chodesh Society. “Some have been inspired by a talk based on the RCS classes presented by Mrs. Chana Lipskar of Surfside/Bal Harbour, FL while attending the recent N’shei U’bnos Chabad Convention in Miami, and others by the ripple effect of their enthusiasm for learning. It’s heartwarming to be inundated with requests by women, hungry, thirsty and so eager to access the teachings of Chassidus. The demand is enormous and the z’chus even greater!”

As a direct result of this grass roots movement, the Rosh Chodesh Society, a division of the Rohr Jewish learning Institute is thrilled to announce that our latest course, PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN: Seven Dimensions of the Feminine Mystique, will now be taught in our very own Crown Heights neighborhood.

Over seven sessions, we will uncover the soul, spirit, and mystical dynamism of the woman, discovering a pragmatic approach to implementing these feminine strengths in practice. Guided by Torah texts, we will examine issues such as beauty, love, relationships, career, family, education, and spirituality; tying together the various facets of womanhood in synchronized harmony.

We welcome you to join us in exploring the seven dimensions of YOUR feminine mystique.

Each class is a 90-minute in-depth, text-based lesson, complete with a Student Textbook as well as video and PowerPoint presentations to enhance the learning experience.

The Rosh Chodesh Society is a sisterhood dedicated to inspiring and empowering Jewish women through monthly cultural learning experiences. Our mandate is, no Jewish woman will be left behind.

The Rebbe’s call to women of our time continues to be, that we spearhead a spiritual revolution through learning Torah and spreading Chassidus. Through uniting in study with our sisters in over 70 locations worldwide, we are hastening the Ge’ulah.

Do not hesitate! Be a part of this revolution!

To register and for additional detailed information please click here. For all other related inquiries, please contact Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson at

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