A pile of discarded cardboard boxes became a raging inferno at around 9:00 PM tonight (Wednesday) on Kingston Ave. between Crown and Montgomery St. in front of Flash Photography. Witnesses said the fire was lit deliberately. It was put out shortly after by the Fire Department.

Video: Fire Breaks Out on Kingston Ave.

A pile of discarded cardboard boxes became a raging inferno at around 9:00 PM tonight (Wednesday) on Kingston Ave. between Crown and Montgomery St. in front of Flash Photography. Witnesses said the fire was lit deliberately. It was put out shortly after by the Fire Department.


  • wow!!

    i actually saw someone today,on empire and kingston with a black suburban that the trunk was open and inside all there was was lighters fluid or something like that… it looked a bit strange and suspicious, but i was only passing by…

  • conc

    seems like it was a long wait till the fire dept came. they’re not that far away……

  • put out shortly?

    took 5 minutes for the fdny to respond! what if the building was on fire?

  • concerned in MA

    Just a reminder…Does your family have an ’emergency escape plan’ thought out in case of fire in your building? Waiting until it happens to try to get panicked people (especially young children) to evacuate can be deadly.
    If not, please create one. Hopefully you will never have to use it,

  • totally amazing

    did you hear how many times that guy had to say the address to the operator? he must have said it a 1/2 dozen times at least. was she/he deaf?

  • important

    #1: you really must call the police with that information. You could be preventing this happening to other people.

  • Stop kvetching

    The firefighters arrived on the scene a mere 3.5 minutes after 911 call ended. That is actually a very quick response time.

  • Careful!

    Those guys throwing buckets of water onto the fire could have gotten seriously hurt, and their efforts only spread the fire out more.

    Better to get out of the way and let the pros deal with it.

  • JustMe

    FDNY showed up a few quick minutes after the call – they always do – these guys are really fast. The jerks throwing water or stuff on the fire are stupid – the wind can switch in a NY minute and then you got burns to worry about!


    Glad this was not serious, glad no one was hurt! The video was very comical, thanks for the good laugh!!!