Beis Rivka 12th Graders Gather for ‘Retreat’

Last week, the girls of Beis Rivka’s 12th grade gathered at the Jewish Children’s Museum for an annual after school retreat. The theme for this year’s retreat was ‘Making a Connection.’ The event was organized by the 12th grade Mechanchos: Mrs. Miriam Gurary, Mrs. Rivkah Gluckowsky and Mrs. Devorah Stolik.

A few lucky girls got to leave school early to help set up the event, and what a job they did! The room was beautifully decorated with fancy centerpieces on each table, on which a delicious catered dinner was served.

The girls were inspired by Shliach to NYU Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn, and entertained by world renowned singer Chanele Fellig.

An up-and-coming star – Beis Rivka 12th grade’s very own Leah Hertz – played the piano, as the girls danced with delight to the joyous chassidishe melodies.

After the dancing, the girls split up into groups and ‘farbrenged’ until well past midnight. One group farbrened with Rabbi Mendel Samuels, Shliach to Farmington Valley, Connecticut; and the other with Mrs. Yehudis Bluming, Rebbetzin at Chabad of University of North Carolina.