Mesivta Students Tested on Baba Metziah
On Wednesday, the 4th of Tammuz, students in Oholei Torah Mesivta were tested on the entire 118 blatt Masechta of Baba Metziah after intense learning throughout the year.
The actual testing was done by HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner in Boro Park. Rabbi Tzinner was visibly impressed not only with the thorough knowledge of the gemorah, but also of the unique way of understanding of the subject, and the derech eretz the Bochurim portrayed.
After the formal testing, Rabbi Tzinner shared with the Bochurim his special connection with the Rebbe and even shared a handwritten note he received from the Rebbe, being a day after Gimmel Tammuz, this was very meaningful and much appreciated
Special prizes and gifts were graciously donated by Rabbi Shimon Aaron Rosenfeld, in the zechus of his family.
A additional celebration was made for the Bochurim of Shiur Aleph who learned the Meschta Sukka and Kuntres Ma’ayan.
The Bochurim who participated in this event were: Zusman Oster, Yisroel Brook, Shmuel Bryski, Shimon Gansburg, Aaron Liberov, Shmuel Morozow, Schneur Minsky, Levi Mintz, Mendy Sorkin, Chaim Simpson, Zalman Simpson, Yeshaya Rotenberg and Menachem M. Rotenberg.
Yasher koach! That is quite an accomplishment going through a whole mesechta. And not a small one either. yalchu machayil al choyil.
Just wonder how our boys compare to those learning let’s say in the Mir