In honor of Pesach, over 150 Crown Heights Mechanchim received a very generous token of appreciation for their dedication and hard work. The gift is part of a new initiative which aims to show the community's appreciation for the Mechanchim of Crown Heights.

Teacher Appreciation Initiative Launched with $1000 Gift Cards

In honor of Pesach, over 150 Crown Heights Mechanchim received a very generous token of appreciation for their dedication and hard work. The gift is part of a new initiative which aims to show the community’s appreciation for the Mechanchim of Crown Heights.

A $1,000 (non-expiring) gift certificate to The Hat Box in Flatbush, a store carrying a complete selection of Men’s clothing, was given to teachers and principals of Oholei Torah (including Mesivta and Zal), Lubavither Yeshiva Crown Street and Ocean Parkway, Choivevei Torah Mesivta and Zal, Darchai Menachem, Ohr Menachem, and Cheder at the Ohel.

The project was conceived and organized by Yehuda Gurwitz and Rabbi Sholom Goldstein, Menahel of the 7th and 8th grades of Oholei Torah, and sponsored by parents from the community.

“We want to show the Mechanchim of Crown Heights that we appreciate their daily mesiras nefesh in educating our own children” said a sponsor. “They are the Shluchim of our community and are doing the most important job of all – educating the next generation”

One of the organizers mentioned that they hope to include Mechanchos in a future project. “They are an equal
part of the Chinuch in our community, and deserve equal recognition” he said.


  • Beis Rivkah teacher

    Very nice for those who got it, but why were teachers of Beis Rivkah not included, especially that in normal times they get paid much less than the teachers in Oholei Torah and Lubavitcher Yeshiva and 3-5 months late?

    Many of the Beis Rivkah teachers work for pennies just to bring another few cents home, they are certainly entitled to these kind of benefits.

    And yes, I am pretty much a full time employee.

  • All kudos to this Bochur

    It is truly inspiring to see a bochur, Yudi (Ben R’Berel)Gurwitz
    have the initiative ,ambition, and gumption to carry thru a project of this scope. We , the residents of Crown Heights owe him for the opportunity to show hakoros hatov to our Melamdim

  • just because

    The reason that Beth rivkah teachers don’t get anything, probably because they don’t get paid anyway, so why open their eyes to any money, or freebies. It will just spoil them, and soon they will demand a paycheck. And that we cannot allow to happen.

  • mommy in Rabbi P-s class

    go rabbi piekarski you are an amaizing Rebbe my son lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvves you!!

  • ds

    i left teaching recently, i was a superb teacher, but just couldn’t handle the stress of teaching and having a family for the money i was getting, maybe with such initiatives, it will be worthwhile, and there will be better teachers who will come forward to take on these jobs.