Heifers Beat the Skullcaps in Game 2!

Fighting to stay alive, the Landmark Funding Red Heifers won game two of the Crown Heights Softball Leagues championship, beating the AWS Skullcaps 6-3.

The Heifers jumped out to an early lead in the 1st, and maintained that lead throughout the game, thanks to their amazing defense and strong pitching by Dani Cole. The Heifers 3rd baseman Tully Kahan turned a difficult double play in the 3rd, followed by big catch by shortstop Avermi Metal, and another huge double play by 2nd basemen Zali Vail.

First pitch of the game was thrown by Dovid Teich, winner of the first ever Silver Slugger Award.

Game 3 will begin at 8:00pm promptly on Tuesday in the St. Johns Recreation on Troy Avenue and Bergen Street.


  • Anticipating

    So now do we get the Gold Glove Winner Levi Ciment throwing out the first pitch of game 3?

  • proud lubavich teenage girl.

    how sad for there to be a sports league in crown heights! if only this Lubavitcher’s playing the sports knew how foolish they are ………….they should be learning torah as the possuk sais “hegeh bohem yomam v’lallah” bittul torah, besides the goyim look at you like shtoim idiots!

  • Curious

    Silver Slugger is by position, there should be at least 8 of them…

    Just curious, how was the award determined? Stats, vote etc?

  • bitterness

    Proud girl, are you as proud of yourself as you are of your hipocracy?

    Why dont you find a rock to crawl under, curl up and hide?

    To the editors of this wonderful site, please stop entertaining these bitter peoples comments!

  • stranger.

    TO #6. WHAT I THINK #3 IS TRYING TO SAY IS THAT INSTEAD OF PLAYING BASEBALL THEY SHOULD USE THE TIME TO LEARN tOrA! technically speaking there is nothing wrong w/ playing baseball but i can guarantee that if we’d be able to see the rebbe this baseball league wouldn’t exist. which means that they can use this time for g-d.

  • Response to #3

    They can do both! I hate it where people always have to post their super religious comments. Not everyone is like you, and not everyone is cut out to sit and learn all day. Thank g-d they can run around and play sports, use energy and actually be able to enjoy their time. Of course, I’m sure you would rather be learning Torah then eating or just talking to a friend. Be logical. All I hear is what is taught and expected of. Use your minds a little. Think out of the box.