Bein Hazmanim Yeshiva Learns About Safrus

Bochurim studying in the optional Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim enjoyed a special Shiur with Rabbi Yehuda Clapman, a Crown Heights Sofer, who taught about Safrus and shared intriguing stories.


  • one of Anash

    Rabbi Clapman is one of our leading scribes who has been lecturing and teaching our children about the laws and customs of STAM for many decades. He wrote my son’s Tefillin and lets them watch the entire process, which gives them
    an appreciation to this great mitzva

  • a happy mother

    Rabbi Clapman is from one of the very few sofrim who are truly a yiras shomayim,chosid and he was the rebbes sofer. Im happy our boys had the zchus to hear his wisdom.