Cable Internet Down – again – throughout CH

A worker repairing a cut fiber-optic wire. Illustration Photo.

Optimum Online customers in Crown Heights are without internet, or any other service from cablevision, since late this morning.

Update 5:10pm: Internet and other services are back up.

According to customer service representative’s service is expected to return in 4 to 6 hours.

Almost all affected customers are north of Empire Boulevard.


  • Hate cable...

    Cable sucks!

    DSL might not be as fast, but it’s consistent in it’s 99.999% up time…

  • CHT

    But Verizon by me shutoff after heavy rain, very shmutze wiring, that’s why I switched to Optimum for both phone and Internet. What do you suggest me to do? I don’t know, this should be a greiser tzoira.

  • Mennzz

    Cable is very good… It’s just the worker man made a mistake. Cable should make a map were all there wires are and show it to all the worker’s working in that area…

  • rebecca

    yea its so frustrating, hopefully they get it back soon, and pple in ch do have cable not everyone lives in the 1600s

  • Feh!

    This website is for Shchunas Crown Heights. It’s not appropriate for anybody visiting this site to have internet! Es Pahst Nisht!

  • to #2

    It is talking about Internet cable not cable tv. So most of us were affected by those clowns who call themselves construction workers.

  • to #9

    And I presume you wrote your comment through some sort of technology other than the internet??

  • jessica

    i love it how everyone is commenting that ch pple shouldnt have internet… but all of u r commenting on this site using some sort of computer device that has internet, right?! .. so honestly, be up front and stop pretending, if u have internet or cable there is nothing wrong, why is everyone always so judgmental.

  • Don-t waste money on free services.

    There is nothing you can do about losing service
    Have a backup phone such as your cellphone, verizon dsl & Optimum Cablevision are the best Internet Service providers we’ve got in crown heights, so stick with them for internet.
    As for a phone. just use Google Voice & forward it to a Gizmo or get a Ooma telo with basic service. plug the Ooma telo or the Gizmo into a phone jack attached to the wall of your house & all the phone jacks through-out your house will work.
    Don’t waste $30 a month for phone line when you can get one for free. ( has great fax plans)

  • bad service to begin with

    bad service, not only now. i wish they had some stiff competition so maybe i’d have a choice of using another cable company not dependent on this cable monopoly.

  • Complainers

    For all you complainers that you shouldn’t have internet, bla bla bla. Our organization which runs on the internet to spread the teachings of the Rebbe, etc. was down and we do not deal with the shmutz that you are talking about. Not everything in the world is negative. Chill out and look at the good things that is out there.

  • Parnossa from internet

    To all complaining about having cable,internet,
    There are allot of businesses that use the internet for their business and cable for their phone system!
    Go back to kollel

  • Observer

    The most entertaining (in a comical and ridiculous way) are the comments after many of the article printed on this sight. EVERYONE who reads or comments on this site uses the internet. Face it. When it’s down it’s annoying and it causes delays in parnosa and/or information retrieval. Anyone who doesn’t see that is living with their head buried in books and doesn’t see the modern world for what it is. Lighten up folks.