Crown Heights Diligence – Learning During Chol Hamoed

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — This past Chol Hamoed Sukkos, Yagdil Torah and Agudas Avreichim Lubavitch got together to arrange a most extensive array of shiurim. This was done in the spirit of the Rebbe’s words (Parshas Tzav 5731) that Chol Hamoed is a time when one can fulfill “You should study them (the words of Torah) all day and night” in the most literal sense.

8 interesting Shiurim were given by 8 different well-known magidei shiurim. They were: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Ofen, Rabbi Avraham Hertz, Rabbi Sholom Ber Levin, Rabbi Gedalia Overlander, Rabbi Boruch Leshes, Rabbi Yakov Leib Altein, the Rabbi Yochanan Morozov. The latter two gave shiurim in English the others were in Yiddish.

Aside from this, the above mentioned organization arranged that the Kolel (where the shiurim took place) should be open the entire day so that balei batim and bochurim can come and learn. This added learning also due to the kedusha of Chol Hamoed as it is written in the sefer of Harav Moshe Even Makir (A contemporary of the Arizal) “The days of Yom Tov (and Chol Hamoed) were given only so there should be time to study Torah …all these days (of Chol Hamoed )have extra kedusha… and logic doesn’t allow that these days were given to eat drink and treat them like week-days” .


  • Zalmans

    Extra! Extra!

    Unbelievable, wow! More than twelve people showed up for a Shiur in CH!
    CHinfo, Please don’t show pictures of the crowed, its embarrassing.
    I know, I should be positive, right? Ir ha’elokim moushpeles ad sheol tachtiyah.
    Yechi Hamelech!

  • zalmen

    who’s the rabbi wearing the shtreimel? and who is the 8th person who gave a shiur?