New York State Governor David A. Patterson dropped in to Crown Heights as a guest of State Senator Eric Adams, and visited the Jewish Childrens Museum.

NYS Gov David Patterson Visits Crown Heights

New York State Governor David A. Patterson dropped in to Crown Heights as a guest of State Senator Eric Adams, and visited the Jewish Childrens Museum.


  • joe

    wow the holy chanina seems to be happiest when in a picture it doesn’t mater who is in the pic with him

  • Moishe

    King Chanina and his close friend and political partners bring Senator Adams and Governor Paterson to Anash! Chanina is back on top as the political kingmaker and macher of Lubavitch. No Merkos, No Rubashkin. He even brought the Governor inside 770 and ordered the Tsfatim to keep away, and with all the mechisten around. Do the politicians know what they’ve walked into?

  • stam bochur

    lucky gov now has a muchnik piece, maybe if he looks at it for long enough his eyes will straighten out…

  • Kisser

    ahhh yes. all the idiots, under one roof. any more tuches kissing and itll be dripping from their pores

  • CH ER

    wow are these really the people that represent us i feel like it always the same three people that attend these things out for there own personal gain CHANINA WHY DONT YOU STOP SMILING AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR OWN COMMUNITY

  • finance

    Why dont all these politicians start giving money and grants for our Mosdos and schools??

  • Halacha

    When I came to 770 to daven mincha the entrance was blocked by women. According to the Alter Rebbe is not permiited to walik in between two women.

    In the shul when everyone was davening mincha a women was walkuimng around and waliking in between two men all the time (also forbidden by the Alter Rebbe).

    Doesn’t the vaad have any respect for halacha? we don not allow women into our shuls. We have a seperate place for them.

    When Patterson visits Rabbis in Boro Park he goes only with men. If he were to visit lehavdil a muslim place he would respect them and not bring in women.

    Why don’t we have the backbone to stand up for hakacha?

  • A word!

    Paterson is a good guy, and he was given the brush off by Obama. His lack of sight has provided him with insight, and I am glad he was welcomed in Crown Heights. Bill Thompson – Democrat showing up at the simchas beis hashoevah to procure votes for his race for the Mayor of New York is another story. We want a democrat for mayor? I think not, especially since he is just going to become one of Obama’s puppets. Crown Heights’ leaders ,whoever they may be I am still confused, need to be aware of policies and not just for honor. If Crown Heights wants to get involved in politics, let them be involved in the right politics, otherwise to straddle both sides is merely a sign of ignorance.

  • Dave

    This is what we call damned if you do and damned if you don’t; if the vaad involves itself in local issues and politics everyone freaks out. If they try to build bridges and make connections with local politicians to get the funding you all are crying for, you call them tochus leckers.

    So tell, what on earth do you want from them? Honestly, you commenters make me sick to my gut. Have some appreciation and shut up!

  • Dave

    Oh, and the comments about patterson’s eyesight and the vaad causing people to walk between women just highlights the level of idiocy on display…

  • Misnaged

    The Non_chabad web sites ran the same article and pictures without Devorah H.’s starring in the pictures. We have alot to learn

  • Answer to Dave

    Funding for what? Appreciation for what? What good does it do to keep your mouth shut? This sound awefully like accepting government control of everything. Keep your mouth shut and accept government take over. Keeping your mouth shut in times like these is very dangerous. Dangerous indeed. People state your greavances. It is crucial, so people like Dave cannot bully you. Freedom of speech is still allowed in this country.

  • to Dave

    Dave I feel sorry for you that you think Halacha is idiocy. Unfortunately you are not alone

  • this aint your mama-s religion

    hey yo halacha
    if you know what time it is you would have expectations like it’s 9:36 so all the non atheist’s were yotzeh the mitzva krias shema
    or it’s after chatzot no one is going to say shacharis
    so clearly reality is no one cares
    world jewry chooses and picks it’s mitzvos and the interpetations anyway hence am kshei oref
    so the first thing a jew has to do is demand to know the way to be like judah
    yet the lack of respect for jews between each other is evidenced by the rude questions and lies
    backbone is yashar part of yisroel and most people don’t have enough
    anything to win isn’t a halacha charactaristic
    live another day by bowing to idols is forbidden
    dont fool yourselves
    work to matza chein beinei elokim vadom before it is to late
    the chosen do the many got a different story

  • godsrighthandman

    respected emissaries of a place so many call home thank you for visiting
    when a tzaddik is sick it is a reflection the children of israel arent well
    make good choices and decisions
    the fact that new york is governed by a blind man is a harsh sign that new york has to make amends
    possibly for bribery as no judge and/or tzedakah collector is unaware of
    possibly for leniency and tolerance
    i dont really care because you dont

  • Dovid

    I am going to wait outside Chanina’s house today to See his friend the Mayor Michel Bloomberg so I can try to get in the photos, too. chanina always has powerful people by him, clarence Norman, Bill Thomson, Marty Markowitz.