Eighty years and Eight Days – Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman Celebrates his 80th

Rabbi Shmuel Fogelman holds the outfit he wore to his bris in which the Frierdiker Rebbe was his sandik.

Eighty years ago, a little boy of eight days old wore a lace trimmed white outfit to a grand Bris and was named Shmuel Eliyahu after his grandfather who was the gabbai of Collel Chabad. The Rebbe Rayatz was visiting America at that time. Reb Chaim Elchonon, the father of the baby asked the Rebbe Rayats to be the sandik and the Rebbe accepted and came to the Bris with a few Chassidim.

During the Seudah an appeal was made for the Rebbe’s mosdos and for Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim – United Lubavitcher Yeshiva. Guests donated and the Bris was a joyous occasion. The next day the Morgen Jurnal, the Jewish news paper of that time, wrote up an article about the Bris and the appeal that was made.

Eighty years later to the very day of the Bris, a Seuda took place to commemorate that special event the Friediker Rebbe distinguished with his presence. Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Fogelman’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren gathered together for a birthday party. An appeal was made once again, and all those that attended joined in donating money to the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, from the youngest grandchild at only six weeks old, to the elder friends and family members. The children donated singles, fives, and tens while the adults pledged hundreds in honor of Rabbi Fogelman on the eightieth anniversary of his Bris. The white lace outfit which Rabbi Fogelman wore at his Bris, while the Friedekir Rebbe held him (and now used at every descendant’s Bris or Badeken), was on display. The outfit is now, eighty years, eight days old and counting.

It seems that Rabbi Fogelman was destined from the very start to be involved in the holy mosad of the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva, which he still does today.

If your life has been touched by Rabbi Fogelman, and you would like to honor him or if your life has been touched by the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva and you would like to help out the Yeshiva during these very trying times – donate any amount and you will be part of the education of the next generation and you will honor the Fredieker Rebbe’s wishes of 80 years ago.

Credit card donations can be called into the yeshiva at 718-434-0795.

Checks can be picked up from your homes in Crown Heights at your convenience.

Please call 718-434-0795.

Check can also be mailed to: ULY Elem. Scholarship Fund
841 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11230

The article which appeared in the Morgen Journal.
(L-R) Oscar Rabinowitz, Reb Chaim Elchonon Fogelman, Hyman Kramer, The Friediker Rebbe, The Rasha”g.
The Photo was taken in the 1930’s on the steps of the White House in Washington DC where the delegation went to speak with President Herbert Hoover about the plight of the Jews in Russia.


  • Michoel Harari

    Wow! Mazal Tov, Rabbi you are an inspiration to all the staff and Talmidim here at U.L.Y.O.P. 841! May you continue from strength to strength “Eighty, for power” (Pirkei Avot 5,22)

    Thank You


    I remember R’ Fogelman as my fourth grade Rebbe. Learning chumush about the Beis HaMigdash.. Taking small boxes of paper clips building & mounting them in piles. To illustrate
    the construction of the temple.
    Many fond memories of my elementary years of education, 1956-1964. English Principal of secular elementary department.
    The relationship with assistant principal, Rabbi Shraga.
    The shul where the bris was across The Jewish Hospital, today r”h a church.
    Still very active in education. Always reminding former students to not forget their Yeshivth in their contribution to charity with a healthy amount / sum.

    When seeing me always sending greetings to my elderly parents, in their late eighties.
    With warm greetings, healthy & long life. Till 121 years.
    R’ Shlomo Ungar Boca Raton, Florida & Eretz Yisroel

  • Shmuel Poller

    Best regards. Fond memories when
    you were the director of Camp
    Gan Israel, Summer 1970, in Flint,
    Michigan. I’m sure my aunt, Malca Benkiel, A“H,
    – ”the best cook in the world” –
    also sends her best.

    Wishing you many more good, strong, healthy
    and wealthy years.

    G’mar Chasima Tova
    PS: Remember the feathers at camp?

  • An Insider

    The meeting with US President Hoover took place on Thursday 14 Tammuz 5690 – July 10 1930, few days prior the Frierdiker Rebbe’s departure from the US.

    The Rasha“g related in the ”Morgen Journal“ a week later that ”the visit was to thank the President for the freedom that that US grants Jews, for the interest of the governmenet in Jewish affairs abroad”.

    As Republican presidential candidate, Hoover lobbied in 1927 for the Rebbe’s release from Kostrama on 12 Tammuz that year.

    Most probably during this meeting gratitude for that was expressed too.