Photos: Oholei Torah’s BBQ on the Promenade

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — This past Tuesday evening over 80 yungeleit gathered for a summer evening in support of Oholei Torah.

All those who attended enjoyed a scrupulous smorgasbord of middle eastern delicacies catered by Oholei Torah exclusive chef, Dovid Ben Abu, and were entertained with a live band by Moshe K. & Co.

As the evening progressed Rabbi Joseph Rosenfeld, Executive Director, blessed the crown with Birchas Kohen, and Yossi Feigensen, in a most eloquent fashion, spoke of the special unique time that we are about to enter, Chodesh Elul, in light of the Rebbe’s sichas.

Rabbi Nosson Blumes, Director of Development, welcomed the many new faces that came to this evening, and updated the yungeleit with the latest happenings in Oholei Torah, both in the gashmius and ruchnius aspects, and revealed new happenings that are taking place specifically with the involvement of the younger generation.

“It was a true spirit of Hakhel and achdus:, said Rabbi Rosenfeld towards the close of the event, “ and a pleasure to see our young community members rally in support and solidarity of Oholei Torah”

(Photos: Baruch Ezagui)


  • eli

    why do we need to have this for our own youngerliet?

    either they give or they dont.

  • Role Models

    Now our children have role models that they can totally relate to!! True dugma chayos!!!

  • Our Yungeleiet

    the fact is the ones who are out there hustling are the ones who gets our checks,

  • A parent

    Nosson Blumes as always puts his heart and soul into making things a success.
    P.S. Thanks for calling me.

  • klotzkashe

    “All those who attended enjoyed a scrupulous smorgasbord”
    Please please all editors of websites take into consideration that the great guys who are specialists in mivtzoim, shlichus, etc. never held an English grammar book in their hands.
    Please edit (if you know English better than they) or get an editing program to do it for you!!!
    What in Heaven’s name is a scrupulous smorgasbord?? Thew Rebbe wants us to bear him proud in everything we do.

  • Sick and Tired of Illiterate Lubavs

    Please change to “scrumptious”….not scrupulous for goodness sakes.

  • to sick and tiredof illitaerate lubavs

    some lubavitch schools don’t just don’t teach any english at all.