CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — has learned that the sale of the Shuk was made final today. Itzik Benabou, owner of Kol-Tuv and Empire Kosher is the winning bidder, he now owns another supermarket in Crown Heights.

Empire Kosher Buys Shuk

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — has learned that the sale of the Shuk was made final today. Itzik Benabou, owner of Kol-Tuv and Empire Kosher is the winning bidder, he now owns another supermarket in Crown Heights.

According to our sources Benabou’s offer was the most reasonable. In his offer he bought the Shuk’s debt as well, something which none of the other parties were willing to take.

Related Articles:
“No Deal Yet with the Shuk Sale”
Op-Ed: A Letter from Nobody
Op-Ed: What we can all Learn from the Shuk Story


  • sweet Itzik!

    thank you Itzik for helping another yid you are a true NESHOMA and a sweet yid.

  • yankel

    ow my gosh i cant believe it
    this guy is rolling in it
    the rich get richer while the poor keep poor

  • shopper

    This is a sad day for crown heights. I really liked the
    shuk and I am very sorry to see it closed down.The people are going to be the loosers since there won’t be any more competition.

  • happy

    what a nice ending to the shuk story itzik come and save shlomiy from all sorts of problem.

  • mo

    Friedmans and kollel store deliver don’t let a monopoly take hold. Or only buy essential food. Keep in mind..when one spends $100 a week on non-essintial food that’s $400 a month.. $4800 a year and over the next 120 months it will be $50,000. If you put that $100 a week in a simple mutual fund returning 5% a year your looking at 200K

    Stop buying chummus and junk!!!!!!! TODAY

  • Duh!

    Of course he was the most reasonable bidder. Of course he offered to buy the debt. He would have stood on his head and sung like a canary if that’s what it would have taken.

    You don’t honestly think Itzik was going to let someone else buy his biggest competition did you? In my eyes there really wasn’t ever anyone else in the running. He has the most to lose, so he worked the hardest to seal the deal.

    Let’s hope he will be a Mentsch and keep the prices down.

  • Crazy!

    I would never sell my store to the man that came and directly put me out of business!!

  • jjoii

    why all the negativety???hopfully itizik will be cheaper then the kollel store or on par….itzik create a nice shopping expirence for ch-ers….perhpas open a pomergrant style supermarket?

  • roch

    I don’t understand the negative comments (forget about the 3 weeks)…

    Firstly, if someone is doing well (from an external view, at least) – say Boruch Hashem. Don’t let jealousy cloud your thinking.

    Secondly, if you’re screaming monopoly and predicting crazy prices – yes, that’s a possibility – but unfounded, as of yet. Crown Heights prices are not the best, and Empire Kosher has pretty decent prices. Do you think someone who’s smart enough to own 3 supermarkets would triple prices to give himself an ego boost? Take a look at Empire Kosher – between the cleanliness, product selection, setup, and services, it’s a very nice place to shop. And Kol Tuv – if you’re harping about the prices, remember the days in CH when no one was open past 7 pm… I figure it’s worth paying another dollar if I can get what I need at 11:30 pm.

    Do some prices comparisons and shop smartly – but don’t make unfounded and jealous comments.

  • Kahans for me!

    Personally, I shop at Kahans. They are very pleasant, deliver, will get any product in for you, and if you pay them cash, you will get 10% off acroses the board. I have been doing this for years, and I am ending up paying less then empire and the shuk, minus their specials.

  • crown heights mommy

    how sad :( and back to krm and shop rite we go. it was nice while it lasted.

  • Shuk

    People are not realizing that Empire Kosher was the 100% cause of the Shuk Bankrupcy.
    and now the preditor is buying the store!!

  • alabany bakery fan

    i shop at the bakery eventhough they arent the biggest grocery in town and dont have the biggest variety they have everythin i need and have the best prices in town not to mention the baked goods are the freshest there too

  • a bunch of fools

    ps yes it is jelousy that is killing everyone
    when i grew up if a jew got something you cheered. oh and by the way when a jew was saved in the war we didnt ask oh is he lubavitch or not? is he rich or not? we were glad for the jew. yes times are tough for most of us… but doesnt mean you gotta kvetch and complain when someone else gets it good and ps the only reason the shuk sold it to him was because he gave him the best amount
    dont you think hes happy for that?
    what kind of fools are you??

  • Stop being positive and learn from past

    Hello, once he takes over the Supermarkets he’ll start attacking the meat markets and fruit stores. He’s out to become the autocratic Business Totalitarian. This is crazy. The Beis Din should really interfere. He has enough stores and enough money. If a man already has he will always want more.
    He doesn’t look like he’ll stop any time soon. Look at the poor Klien’s store that has been around for years. Can they easily compete with them, besides excepting Baby Food Checks from the gov. unlike any of the other stores, they have no advantage. So all you people trying to protect him, try top think how it will effect you. Besides any benefits for himself you will get none. You want a Pomegranate style store go to Coney Island and deal with their prices. Competion is good. It keeps us excited for new Sales and good prices.

    This guy wants more and more. He’s not stopping anytime soon. Of course now that there is no comepetion the Sale items will not be good ones such as flour and important stuff people need discounts on but instead on some junk no one needs. Also with no comepetion he will for sure hike the prices up. No problem for him. He doesn’t care if some costumers will go to Kahan’s or Klien’s or KRM in Boro Park.

  • Keep it simple

    I will continue to shop for the most part at Klein’s corner of empire and brooklyn……..I crave the heimshe atmosphere, good customer care; although the inventory is much smaller, so what? having lived in Israel for many years, I have come to realize less is more; who needs 8 types of tomato sauce, diced, pureed, sliced, mexican, italian etc. tomato sauce is tomato sauce; sometimes the choices at a larger supermarket are overwhelming; too much consumption; Even the nation at large is sobering up during this economic downturn; who needs the excess?…..I will stick with the smaller grocer, where there is a friendly relationship, trust, and a helping hand when needed

  • Resident

    There is a new grocey opening up soon in CH Kingston and lefferts. cheapest prices in town! get ready the best is yet to come!!!

  • WhyEm

    Can I say something hear I have not heard even once mentioned?

    Yes. The Shuk guys are very good people and have done a lot of good things. This is well documented. Yes, the Empire Kosher people have 3 (now 4) stores.

    But there is something to be said for how a store is run. It wasn’t mazel that the Shuk was run the way it was run and it isn’t Mazel that Empire Kosher is clean, always stocked, fresh veggies and fruits, a full line no groceries. They are never out of anything, there is never a long line, the shopping experience is always nicer.

    That is because it was run better. The Shuk is ALWAYS out of something, I’ve had spoiled food there many many times, and many times there isn’t someone by the register, or no one to bag, or no shopping carts.

    Come on … let’s leave personalities and personal accomplishments out of it. The Shuk wasn’t run as good as Empire Kosher and that’s why it’s doing so well.

    Sometimes it’s only right to give credit to hard work. There is nothing that the Empire Kosher people should be embarrassed about. They worked hard and run a good store.

    That’s life.

  • sad

    i think all of the lubavitch websites have turned into gossip rags. Cant the news just be reported…without everyones two cents?
    maybe everyone should re learn the halachos of loshen hara

  • e.d.

    GO SHIMI’S!!!!!

  • more buying power

    To those that are afraid of higher prices.

    1. Two stores gives him more buying power thus lower prices to pass along.

    2. There is also plenty of competition around to keep prices in line.

  • stop the monopoly!

    There isn’t ANY competition now. Benabou is just buying up all the opposition (except his brother, Shimmy) & I bet it won’t be long before he buys out Kahans.

    Benabou is disrespectful to his customers and his attitude filters down to his workers, Jew & non-Jew. I like to be treated with the same respect I treat workers in the stores. It would be nice if the cashiers give you time to put your purse away before they’re hurrying you on from the checkout so they can ring up the next shopper. Maybe they can stop snatching your cash or credit card from you. What’s the big hurry? Do they get paid by the # of customers they “help”?

    How about saying Hello? Making eye contact? Giving a smile? They are so rude. And to add insult to injury, their prices are very high. So as someone else said, it’s back to the Kollel store with my lists (to make sure I don’t forget anything.)

  • To Keep It Simple


    To ”Keep It Simple“:

    What was it Garrison Keillor used to say about Ralph’s ”Pretty Good“ Grocery (A Prairie Home Companion, on Public Radio — l’havdil!)?

    ”If we don’t have it, you probably don’t need it!”

    Kol Tuv to us all!!!

  • someone from flatbush

    There’s just something about crown heights we in the 3 weeks 9 days and everyone if to say something WHY? WHY? its unbelievabl

  • why the pain

    Email or fax your order to KRM.They deliver to your door. No need to read “sale specials” and go to the store to find out you need to spend $2o hard earned dollars just to buy the specials. Why does CH have to be a village?

  • competition??

    to all the kahan’s commenters, only pple that live up there on kingston shop at kahans.. the pple who live down below are not gonna shlep all the way up there to do a shop.
    so i don’t think itzik is taking away any parnasah from kahans
    good luck to both of them

  • Chaim.Ber

    We CHers should all start joining as members of the Park Slope Food Co-op – we would save money and be healthier!

  • For Stop being Positive

    I envisioned you living in Cuba and working for Obama.You really have a talent and make it available for the world.
    Are you jewish?

  • Putting my money where my mouth is

    As a crown heights resident, I want to remind everyone that no one forces you to shop anywhere. In this situation, your money is your power. I believe in shopping at the closest grocery to my home (which in my case is not the shuk or empire kosher).

    The neighborhood needs grocery stores in every part of the neighborhood. Just like in Boro Park where there are a few large well known grocery stores, there are also small groceries almost every other block.

    I put my money into my closest grocery store because simply it’s a good investment. The staff knows me, they accommodate special requests, I have a house account (which I pay promptly and regularly), and I know that I am supporting a local business. While they have a rule they don’t take phone order on erev shabbos, if I call up and explain I have a sick child and can’t get out of the house, because I have a relationship with them and I am a regular customer, an exception is made. (I don’t abuse this either).

    When I lived on the other side of the neighborhood I had the same relationship with the closest grocery as well.

    Kol Tuv (and it’s predecessor, Food for Less) have their place as a late night store for when you’re running low on milk. The Shuk, Empire Kosher, and KRM are all good if you’re looking for a specialty item, but if you just have stam needs, keep going to your closest grocery.

    If your closest grocery is the Shuk or Empire Kosher, go ahead, shop there, that’s what will work best for you. But if you live near any of the others, Klein’s, Koshertown, Kahan’s, Benz’s, Albany Bakery, etc, keep on shopping there – they need and want your business!

  • NOT a Shimi Fan!

    KosherTown on Albany…“sweet people!?” Are you kidding me?! The owner screamed at my son one time because he did not have the correct amount of change. They are surly and mean and never a smile. I never go in there anymore. He is not ever anyone’s competition!

  • paying the bill

    It seems as if a lot of people still owe money to the shuk’s owner.How do they pay? Did Mr. Empire take over handling the shuk’s bills too?

  • stop!stop!ssstop!!!

    this is going on forever!!!!!! just stop it allready! I never said mr. empire has good prices he has real high prices! but what can we do thats how hashem wanted it so stop!! one “comment to the next is getting loshan horah!!!1

  • to e.d.

    e.d. wrote:

    GO SHIMI’S!!!!!


    Some people don’t want to buy Chalav Akom

  • sara

    To e.d.

    this comment had to be from shimon himself because coming from out of town to this neighborhood ive never ever in my life seen a store owner behave Soooooooooooo abusively to the customers. we are all a bunch of fools for putting up with him. Whos paying who? perhaps his brother should buy him out maybe us living down by empire will be treated like humans? its only in C.H. that u are treated like they are doing you the faver. So shimon stop tooting your own horn and thank G-d your still around .

  • Out of town CH shopper

    I was in CH recently for a long visit and have to say that I like CH shopping, both grocery and other goods, much better than out-of-town shopping. Also, if I have to compare CH shopping with BP shopping, CH wins out. I don’t like BP traffic, usually manage to get lost there, and get nervous about parking meters. While I don’t mind valet parking at the Kollel store if it is my car, I get nervous if the car is a rental.
    I found grocery delivery in several CH stores. Where I live out of town, the frum grocery not only does not deliver but there are complaints that the elderly get no help putting the heavy groceries in their cars. The Jewish stores have better prices than Duane Reade for the items that I needed. I also found that the clothing stores had good service and that the prices were no higher than the same items would be online or in department stores. Because the stores are “heimish” and I needed to buy a gift for someone, the store owner knew the gift recipient and sold me the items that the person would like. It turned out that their choice was correct.
    There is a current joke in the bungalows. How much does it take to buy a light bulb in Walmart? Answer: $200, a dollar for a light bulb and the rest for impulse purchases for items that don’t get used.

  • old customer

    I hope the new owners will clean up the store and especially the outside which is filthy, after hours the side walks generally a strewn with old produce and other garbage, it needs to be washed down and the gutters to be cleaned out at the end of the evening and Erev Shabbos/Yom Tov.
    Further the stock is many times close to over date and the fruits and vegatbles are of an inferior quality compared to other stores in CH.
    Mazel and Brocho to the new owners

  • Shuk Costumer

    Thank You Shloime fr making the Shuk such a pleasant place to shop.
    We hate to see you go.

  • wow

    There’s just something about crown heights I don’t understand the negative comments why all the negative loshan horahy Chabad-Lubavitch

  • Mazal tov

    Nothing happens without Hashem’s haskamah. Mazal tov to Mr. Benabou. I wish the owners of the Shuk mazal as well in their next venture. It’s nice to see Yidden successful. Being a good businessman is a gift from above as are all our other strengths. May his free choice lead him to serve the community with fairness and compassion.

  • money money money

    Does anyone realize how much money Ben Abou has to spend for this new venture? Everyone thinks he is rolling in the dough. anyone know how much debt he is in? How Long it will take for him to start really making a profit? Stop being jealous and maybe Hashem will send some brochos your way.

  • me

    Why does it matter!?!?!?!?!?! where i come from, the kosher food is twice as much!!!!!!!!!!! so what, the milk is five cents cheaper. saying loshon horah and harboring bad feelings wont help, just buy food and enjoy it. By wasting all your time regretting the extra ten cents you spent, your food will be finished before you start thinking to enjoy it. what is done is done, its Hashems plan and accept it. its the nine days and the least we can do is be happy for the buyer and feel for the seller. after all we should love our fellow jew just the same as ourselves.
    next comment in yerushalayim!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ask yourselves, what would the rebbe say to everyones reaction. (after you think of the answer, act upon it.)

  • B.

    Reasons I loved the SHUK:

    1) My personal FreshDirect. Email in an order and several hours later all my groceries are delivered to my door. Saves time, money, energy. Gives me more time for the important things in life. Helps me be more organized. This has made a huge difference in my life.

    2) Fantastic bakery

    3) Excellent costumer service–always willing to get on the line and help out.

    4) Rock bottom prices (definitely the lowest in CH).

    5) Ear to the ground–the management listened to costumers and implemented suggestions, always improving the store and getting new products.

    I will miss it sorely. And I hope someone else steps up to the plate to provide a true, full-service supermarket in CH

  • sorry

    Sorry Mr. Mr. Benabou for referring to you as Mr. Empire. Brocho v’hatzlocho on your new business.

  • Check expiration dates

    While were on the grocery topic.

    Beware of products that have no expiration date, just some code.

    Items on sale are frequently stale, so it’s no metsia, beware.

    Some stores in CH sell over the counter medications, that have expired. Check before you pay.


    I advise pple who owe money to pay right away what are u ppl thinking that its o.k not to pay, IF U OWE MONEY GO AND PAY RIGHT AWAY IF NOT IT IS GNEIVAH

  • Gedalia

    Hyperinflation and price gouging is undemocratic in nature, however the Rabbonim MUST step in and help those in need.

    We must stop this “omnipresence” that is taking over our community, great so now I must go back to Boro Park in order to get a delivery!

    I believe in spending every dollar I have in the Shchuneh no matter what happens to my family, no mater what. If Itizk wants to buy it off then jealousy and sinas chinom is not welcome in the three weeks….

    Free market is the answer – Moshiach now!

  • fair

    i worked in empire kosher and not all cashiers are rude but sumtimes customers are rude to us… as instinct we will respond the same way.. itzick is rude sometimes but he does let customers when they dont have money in their foodstamps he lets them come bak to pay later so hes not that bad.. hes very strict but i guess hes only looking out for his profits