Jewish Childrens Museum 3rd Annual Golf Tournament

WHITE PLANES, NY [CHI] — Friends and supporters of the Jewish Childrens Museum turned out for its 3rd annual golf tournament benefiting the museum. Despite the recession economy an impressive amount people partook in a relaxed day of golf on the expansive green of the Ridgewood Country Club in White Planes.


  • CN

    I hope they also raise enough money so they can reinstate the after school programs for Crown Heights children that were completely cut.

  • mendel

    tzivos hashem. the leader of inovation, uniquness, perfection, and accomplishments.

    changing the face of crown heights for the better. creating a understanding of yiddishkeit through out the world for jewish kids and even a better understanding of jews and there way of life for non jews resulting in respect and more the public.

    thank u for being a shining example of how to run a moised staying focused on what the rebbe wanted.

  • to yehuda who

    some organizations advertise everything they do… and it makes them look good and feel popular and even have supporters running to help them. especially when they have a name that sounds live…

    but in the end… once the supporters don’t see a return for there money they run off and dissapear.

    desprate times makes ppl take desporate actions, even threteneing the most legit, straight fwd institution that crown heights has. in the end all you are left with is the under dogs, even when u make then sound popular and famus… remember they are underdogs.

    tzivos hashem not talking but doing… keep it up.

  • Ofer

    CROWNHEIGHTS.INFO GETS THE SCOOP YET AGAIN. Its a shame that the other sorry excuse of a site has to bad mouth and only features loshon horo.
    Yetamu Chatoim Min Ho’Oretz!
    The JCM is one of the proudest mosdos of lubavitch and may they continue to have success. Those who don’t know how to fargin and call themselves ‘live’ should maybe examine their actions and think long and hard before they post stupid and insensitive articles that just show the writer’s jealousy of real accomplishment. vedal.

  • dovid. ch

    a great accomplishment for the JCM. once again we can see that the infulance and reachings of the JCM is not merely confined to the small space on Kingston and Eastern Parkway, but rather in a much greater way, in a way that would make the Rebbi Shlita very proud. ad mosi!

  • TH needs the money

    Please Hashem, this brought in significant much-needed funds for Tzivos Hashem!

  • Great Job Tzivos Hashem!!

    The Museum Is one of the strongest Chizuk Hashchuna.
    Everyone that comes to visit Crown Heights – this is their first attraction!


    where are all the cool young lubavitchers? what happend to all the BING of last year?
    woops it was all air! time tells the truth.