Cat Stuck in Sewer Drain

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A resident spotted a small cat stuck in a sewer drain on Eastern Parkway in front of the Jewish Childrens Museum and called Animal Care and Control to rescue it. As the animal care worker was trying to find the cat Polices Community Affairs joined the rescue effort and called for backup from Emergency Services.

ESU opened the drain up and together went ‘fishing’ for the feline who seemed to be lost among the hundreds of empty soda bottles. After searching for a little while, all ‘rescuers’ came up with was a woman’s shoe and other rubbish, but they found a small tunnel that leads into the main sewer system and figured the cat must have escaped into it.


  • moshe

    can we have some more pics??? PLEASE as I am sure its a Tzivos Hashem cat!!!!!

  • abe

    where is the co of 71pct he is good for this type of job i see his partner lenny ,

  • what the ?

    gross.. is that where all our bottles are going???? why aren’t they being recycled?

  • poil

    hey why cant they come that quick when somene is getthing murdered

  • This is reeeeeeal cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    look at that grown men wearing proffesional uniforms laying on the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

  • cat lover

    After all that exposure, pictures and manpower, did they rescue the poor cat or not? Let us know and show some pics of the kitty.


    how did garbage find it’s way into the sewer?! it’s disgusting!

  • Boruch N. Hoffinger

    Dear: moshe wrote,and others like him.
    You are heartles fools!
    The nations must comply with The 7 Noahide Laws. Being kind to animals is one of them.
    Are you smarter and wiser than G-d?
    I pay taxes and am happy with this endeavor.
    If you’re cruel to animals (Not helping them) you’ll end up being cruel to people.

    boruch hoffinger

  • Kop Doktar

    The cat died. But some say it is still alive. They have proof from the saying, “cat’s have 9 lives”. Anyone who disagrees is an anti-katz.

    There are bumper stickers showing the picture of the cat. Some wear cat pins. Many have cat yarmulkas.

    The Katzmens are trying to control the sewers.They say the sewers belong to them. Agudas Dogmen are fighting back. It will be going to court.

    Among the Katzmen there are some that say the cat is only sleeping. Others see the cat walking around. Some even say the cat is godly.

    Radical KAtzmen will push you out of the way when they “see” the invisible cat walking towards you. They are blessed with super-vision. (I wonder if they can see through walls?)

    Meanwhile, the community is going to the sewers.

    Some Rabbonim support the KAtzmen. Others are more on the anti-Katz team. Dogs feel out of place in the community but want to run in elections. Katz can’t let dogs run. It is unnatural.
    Maybe there were two cats…one lived and one died, would that make everyone happy? Besides, why would you want to control a sewer??

    It think I’ll take a catnap. Meow.

  • .......................

    to kop doctor: you should use your kop for humor and laughs which is beneficial to humankind, since I must admit YOU ARE FUNNY. But I would be very careful if I were you before I get sarcastic about these concepts.

  • ..

    Kop Doktar….
    I second what …… wrote.
    You should really, really watch yourself before broaching these subjects in such a sarcastic way…

  • th kop Doktar

    I find it very “AMUSING” how you make fun of the rebbe by comparing him to a cat!?And if u do think the really truly is dead why not find some other one like umm bubov needs some more chassidim i think…….

  • Kop Doktar

    To …..wrote and ..wrote:

    As a Kop Doktar, I heal diseased minds (diseased not deceased minds). Laughter is the best medicine.

    Treatment begins when we see our distorted selves and realize the humourous absurdity that compells us to laugh. Life has humour.

    Messages by great Torah leaders were often via humour (e.g. Reb Naftoli of Ropshitz etc.).

    Those who take themselves too seriously and cannot tolerate humour cannot be healed because they are outside reality. They compound the problem by extreme insecurity with their beliefs. Subconciously they know the folly of their convictions, therefore they find it threatening when the “sacred” is good naturedly challenged.

    Let the dogs chase the cats, and the claim for ownership of the sewers, garbage and all, continue. Rabbonim, elections, courtcases and proclamations – the madness continues.

    But if someone calls it a desease of madness – some get uncomfortable and even offended.

    To them I say, let the madness continue.

    Woof and meow l’olom va’ed.

  • Mashpia of Zal

    cat has 9 lives – we are 9 dor’os from Besht.

    sewer – yerida l’tzorech aliyah

    sewer filled with garbage – tachton she’ain tachton lemata me’mena.

    ccotrol of sewer – la’asos lo dira b’tachtonim.

    …I think I get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • A Sick Puppy

    To Kop Doktar – L’chayim, to life! Let us say lchayim together. I would love to hear you farbreng. I need healing. We all need healing. Moshiach NOW.

  • Yechi

    Hey Kop –

    The cat appeared and then disappeared. One day the cat will come back. Yechi.

  • Crownheightser

    Anything a Yid sees or hears is bhashgocha protis and teaches a lesson in avodas hashem. I didn’t understand this news item. After reading the comments of Dr. Kop Doctor, I think I understand.

  • ..........

    to the kop doktor. I changed my mind. You arent funny at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kop Doktar

    To ………. wrote:

    I once changed a light bulb. I also changed a diaper. Each activity involves removal of the old and replacing it with a new one. So please tell me….how do you change your mind? Did you dispose of your old mind, and if so, do you recycle? Where did you get the new mind and was installation difficult?

    I hope you don’t mind me asking these questions!

    If you don’t mind – that means what…that you are lacking one??

    I am mindful that we should book you an appointment on my couch.