RONKONKOMA, NY [CHI] – A Chabad photographer took 3rd place in a national competition for best photograph depicting “What America Means”, photographer Bentzion Elisha won the competition with a photograph titled ‘sisters’. The competition was sponsored by Sigma Corporation of America, a manufacturer of optics and photographic lenses.

Lubavitcher Photographer Wins National Photo Competition

RONKONKOMA, NY [CHI] – A Chabad photographer took 3rd place in a national competition for best photograph depicting “What America Means”, photographer Bentzion Elisha won the competition with a photograph titled ‘sisters’. The competition was sponsored by Sigma Corporation of America, a manufacturer of optics and photographic lenses.

Click Here to visit the sigma competition website.


  • suma

    Every 3rd Lubab is a photographer these days… so the odds are with us. Not surprised. (doesn’t require college diploma)

  • shmuly

    well for your info rabbi elisha went to collage for a number of years studying photography and design. Lets give credit where credit is due.Yad chassidim al haelyona

  • Levi

    I work with Bentzion in B&H Photo. he is one of the best photographers that work there.


  • Jona

    Suma, $1000 if you could take a shot like that. ps: what aperture and film speed would you use? would you go with a lower or higher iso? i’m also curious as to what lens type you’d choose; fish eye, wide angle, zoom? Lastly, have you figured out how to handle the vignetting in the shot or did you not give it much thought…?

  • me

    Congrats and it’s a great picture, but he came 3rd. He did not win.

  • camera

    LOL Jona, absolutely right. I would have used a higher iso, i prefer 1000+. Otherwise suma needs a photography course.

  • haga

    oh and btw for me being in 3rd place is still winning!!!

  • Zev

    I think it deserves 1st place. It’s much better than the other ones.

  • ATT Zalman

    If you have such a problem with mistakes, then make your own site.
    You’re not paying to visit this site.
    Go get a life.

  • To Jona and camera


    How many Lubavitch photographers does it take to change a light bulb?

    Answer: Three: one to do the work, and two to say ”I could have done it better.”

    I hope you get the point!

    It was in this week’s parshah: Ve’ahavta l’reiacha komoicha!
    Think before you open your mouths!

    Kol tuv, and hatzlocha rabba to ALL the Lubavitch photographers out there, and mazal tov to this prizewinner, Bentzion Elisha!

  • To Prof Suma

    College Diploma is overrated if you don’t intend to do much with it and if you don’t have much commen sense to back it up. Everyone can get a college diploma, not everyone can win a photography competition. Suma please post some of your fine photos on the website you have been meaning to set up but haven’t quite gotten around to do it.

  • wow

    mazal tov!!! What a kiddush Hashem!
    what is bBentzion’s website?